"Imagine telling someone you wanted a divorce, then forcing them to cohabit with you for several more years, demanding they do everything you say. Do you really think that is the way to continue any healthy future relationships?"
That's not how it is though.. Let me rephrase your example.
Imagine telling someone you want a divorce because things went democratically in the relationship and not exactly how you wanted, also maybe sometimes you were financially supporting it a bit more than others in the relationship were and because of this you felt you had every right to feel things should go exactly how you say, forgetting that you're in a Polyamory relationship, and not a monogamous one and others in that relationship also financially support more than they get out of it even if some didn't.
Then imagine saying right, i'm off, and i'm going to leave under my own rules. I get to keep all of this, you can have that, but that's it - treating those you were in a relationship as if they were one. You know, opposed to, being mature and splitting things down the middle like any relationship without a Prenuptial agreement would...
Then begin so self entitled to pussy foot around leaving, constantly asking for extensions and having internal dilemmas with your own mind.
No one is to blame, the whole thing is a *** show, one we do not look good in, no matter how you feel.