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What Are The Parents Spending Child Benefit On.

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webbo3 | 14:09 Sun 03rd Nov 2019 | News
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//I can't see how anyone believes that bringing up children is ever the easier or lazier option!// I don't believe anybody is suggesting it is the "easier option". Such people will churn out kids whatever their circumstances. They are unlikely to be able (or willing) to earn enough to keep them so benefits is a suitable choice. Unlike working people, more...
18:12 Sun 03rd Nov 2019
"When my kids were younger I bought shoes from local market, catalogue returns, £4.00 a pair."

How long ago was that?
25 years probably. Relative at the time.
Cheap clothes don't last. Even if they did you can't stop kids growing out of them.
Think you all need to go to see the Ken Loach film "Sorry I Missed You". Some very self righteous folk on here.
It costs me £60 a week for the bus fare to school :(
And what about school dinners/lunches? It's not like you can send them with leftover stew.
How long before a few Yorkshiremen join in?
Has to be 4 of 'em, TCL. And one of 'em must have had to lick the tarmac clean:-/
Corby //How long before a few Yorkshiremen join in?//
What are you inferring?
//An extra million children could be living in poverty in Britain in less than five years.//

err, that's not exactly being very optimistic of the election chances of messrs Corbyn and McDonnell, who are supposed to be riding over the hill on 13th December to "end austerity" and this kind of poverty? how can it then increase in less than 5 years?
Danny; TCL is referring to the Monty Python sketch, 'The Four Yokshiremen' in which they reminisce who had it 'hardest' when they were lads.
"What Are The Parents Spending Child Benefit On" - Iphones, 55inch plasma, cigs, dope, white lighting, vape juice, takeaway. Basically they are overpaid.
don't know the answer to that, but some do seem to spend money on Mcdonalds going on the last time i was in one, many families were in one having their tea...
they can spend it how they like i guess, but shoes don't have to cost a packet do they?
I see Tora missed the 'goggle-eyed loons' post from earlier.
They are spending it on rent/mortgage, food, gas , electricity, phone, cars, petrol, insurance, upkeep, clothes, soap, shampoo, conditioner, laundry products, equipment for school... etc etc.
Shoes are not necessarily cheap for growing children. You can buy them cheap- and ruin the shape of their feet. That is one thing I never bought "cheaply".
they do grow out of them fast, like all clothing,
but Primark and other retailers are good for well priced goods for kids and adults alike.
doug, wrong thread me old china, can't see that.
I have seen young parents in Iceland buying single ready meals x 4 for their families, costing much more than the ingredients needed to make twice as much food. All my kids left home for Uni knowing how to make at least 7 meals from scratch. Young people would be better off being taught budgeting and cookery at school as mandatory subjects instead of making them do a foreign language or Religious Studies.
it sounds cold, but why do they keep pumping out kids, if their skint..oh accident or condom broke, pill didnt work, implant didnt work, missionary never worked, seems there is a lot of (didnt work)
i used to hear some young girls, saying get knocked up, get council flat or house, it's easy, not sure if that happens today though, and not all mothers are like that, i know..perhaps child benefit for just one child only.
£13 ish a week, is never going to be financially worth having a baby for. There are so many things that need paying for- and, of course, circumstances can change, even after having a much wanted and planned for child.

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