I'm not scared of Corbyn getting in - I'm absobloodylutely petrified of him getting in.
I'm one of the people Corbyn and Mad Dog McDonnell hate - I'm comfortable, although far from rich, and do not have a single reliance on the state, and Corbyn stated in the last election that he's going to punish me for having the temerity of earning above a certain amount by way of increased income tax. I already pay a shed-load of tax, so the thought of paying anymore due to Corbyn's hatred of people like me makes me bloody terrified.
People who earn more will pay more taxes - that's how percentages work - so I've never understood why, in addition to this, the actual % figure for those earning above a certain amount also increases. I've heard it said on a number of occasions, most latterly from Sturgeon, that I and people like me should shoulder the heavier burden....but we'd be doing that anyway even if the % amount didn't increase.
Corbyn thinks anybody earning over £80k is "rich" but he denied being rich on his £140k a year (natch).
So yes, I'm scared - as should everybody else who has any desire to do the very best they can for themselves and their family.