Gromit, Nellie was mistaken. Mistakes are not lies. You say when you spot inaccurate information you will call it out but you have no hesitation in deliberately posting inaccurate information evidenced always by the absence of links by which to check said information. Just stop. What you’re doing is spiteful and it’s wrong- and you, as a moderator of this site, should know better. You’re doing it, and yourself, no favours.
// evidenced always by the absence of links by which to check said information //
I nearly always post links to support my posts, unless I c&p the relevant passage, in which case they are googlable.
On this thread I have supplied links to the cover of the Labour Party manifesto, and the LibDem Party manifesto to prove that Nellie May was wrong.
Gromit, //I nearly always post links to support my posts//
Not if it's a story you want to spin. You regularly attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of the reader. You should now apologise to Nellie and stop. This is nasty and it's unnecessary.
Possibly liar WAS a bit strong.
If you say Corbyn is on the Manifesto, and he isn’t, then you are wrong.
If you say Swinson is on the LibDem Manifesto, and she isn’t, then you are wrong yet again.
Perhaps I jumped to the conclusion that both were deliberate untruths, when in fact it was incompetence at play.
You just can’t bring yourself to say “sorry” to NellieMay can you Gromit?
Even when (kind of) admitting you were OTT, you still have to be nasty and substitute “liar” for “incompetence .”
All you’ve done is show yourself up for what you are. Nasty and small minded.
I have already apologised to Hopkirk on this thread when I realised I was wrong.
I am not going to apologised to someone who tried to pass off 2 untruths, and all I did was call them out as lies.
// You're a renowned spinner and your reputation precedes you. //
Ouch. I try to post provocative questions, but I think I try to qualify them. I refute that I spin. Some of my questions are intentionally posted to tease, but nothing malicious.
How’s this (sorry best I can do in the circumstances):
I apologise for bringing to ABers attention that the two posts from Nellie May were completely untruthful. I interpreted them as lies but fellow ABers have now made me realise that she is just incompetent and unreliable rather than deliberately misleading.