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Do You Think That Terrorists Can Be

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emmie | 10:25 Wed 04th Dec 2019 | News
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rehabilitated, those say who languish in our prisons.


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Have terrorists like the IRA been 'rehabilitated' or have they just accepted the situation while continuiong their 'struggle' in less overt ways? People like Adams and the late not-lamented McGuiness will always be regarded as terrorists by me, as my mother used to say You can't polish a turd. A lot of this debate about releasing terrorists is about playing...
12:24 Wed 04th Dec 2019
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agreed, for good
emmie, what if the terrorist isn't a British Citizen, what would we do then?
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the same, they can rot, if they murder people as has happened then they don't deserve to get out. Besides many seem to be home grown..
iv said this before, if they despise western values the uk as an example, why do they stay here, do they think the uk belongs to allah and the followers of said invisible man in the sky.
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fender don't know the answer to that. Why don't they leave, well i guess if they are born here where do they go.
I haven't ready the whole thread but I don't think some can be rehabilitated.

Terrorists, particularly those who think they they are committing acts in the name of Islam, are too indoctrinated in their belief and they would rather die than recant what they believe.

Shamima Begum has not once expressed regret for becoming a jihadi bride and neither have Lee Rigby's murderers expressed regret for doing what they did (hope they are NEVER released).
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tigger, there are lawyers out there trying to get Begum returned to UK< big mistake in my opinion.
i honestly don't think ANY can be rehabilitated, as someone said why play russian roulette with people's lives, good point i think.
Hope she doesn't come back to the UK. I know its very sad that she has lost babies but if she can't undo her radical ethos then she can stay where she is.
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i bet she comes back to UK...
She would need protecting from the vast majority of the British populace if she did.
The Turks are just putting them on planes and pointing them towards Dear Old Blighty

we cd. I suppose do the same to Turkish terrorists - but er do we have any?
naomi - // You’ll learn ... eventually. //

I, like others, have no quarrel with your knowledge of Islam, but I, and others, do have a serious quarrel with your constant need to patronise those who you obviously feel don't live up to your levels of education in one relatively narrow subject.

Education is nothing without understanding, and part of understanding is that, in a conversation, one or more may have more or less knowledge than others, and it is the responsibility of the more educated not to be pompous and lord it over the less educated, because it is rude, and it stifles debate.
Like tigger - I don't think most can be rehabilitated. To have gone, fought and stayed there means that it is a case of faith- they are not going to change, their faith is too strong.
AH at 19:43, your problems are your problems.
Not all Muslims are terrorists????????
The vast majority of them hate us and our way of life, but they are not prepared to resort to terrorist attacks, just as some who have other strong believes but are not prepared to take to the streets in protest.
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not sure I understand your post AOG.. but i wondered what you think we should do with the ones who hate us and wish us harm, who carry knives like Usman Khan and kill indiscriminately
What should we do with those who hate us????
Just be wary of them and admit that they could become terrorists, yes some will play the Islamophobic card but let's face it we have every right to fear Islam.
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hating us is one thing but killing in the name of your chosen religion or political leanings, what do we do with those who commit these heinous crimes, jail them for life or can they be rehabilitated, that is my point.
Sorry... I went to work and missed a question... the point is that blaming terrorism on religion, is even less relevant than blaming it on sex. If we ever want any answers, about prevention, cure, rehab... in order to minimise this, we need to look at the actual causes, rather than the easy... blame it on a religion.
Clearly, the vast majority of muslims do nothing wrong... so we are just misleading ourselves and at this rate, will never be able to decrease the risk of terrorism.
// I, like others, have no quarrel with your knowledge of Islam, //
oh god I do ( or should be ya allahu?)
hey muslims out there
Nigh says you can eat pork ! Bacon sarnies all round!

Pres Trump is one for opposites - pork is forbidden really means pork is NOT forbidden

where are we on rehab terrorists? - - -Times today deploring the Ld Chancellor saying terrorists cannot be rehab, because it is a vote catcher and not particularly true.

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