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Do You Think That Terrorists Can Be

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emmie | 10:25 Wed 04th Dec 2019 | News
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rehabilitated, those say who languish in our prisons.


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Have terrorists like the IRA been 'rehabilitated' or have they just accepted the situation while continuiong their 'struggle' in less overt ways? People like Adams and the late not-lamented McGuiness will always be regarded as terrorists by me, as my mother used to say You can't polish a turd. A lot of this debate about releasing terrorists is about playing...
12:24 Wed 04th Dec 2019
what about lobotomy, or leucotomy, or a human form of gelding.
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fender, no lobotomy, that wouldn't work as some are brain dead as it is.
Ludwig, //I have no ethical objection to capital punishment for the most despicable crimes. I just don't think it works in practice. //

Nor me - except that I do think it works in practice and very well indeed. The dead can't do it again.
Naomi - // AH, //The notion that the Koran is the direct word of Allah has no more basis in fact that anything in the bible//

You know that, and I know that. However, we are not Muslims. For them even touching a copy of the Koran without having first washed your hands is a sin... it just cannot be done .... and don't even mention menstruating women!! Imagining that a rational western mindset applies universally is a huge mistake. It doesn't... by a long way. //

You are using extreme examples of religious instruction with the inference that all Muslims take such instruction equally seriously, and you and I know very well that they don't.

Count the number of Muslim-run shops selling bacon and alcohol, they are the vast majority, but they are not newsworthy because they don't adapt their religious texts to their psychopathic mindset and use one to excuse the other.

// Imagining that a rational western mindset applies universally is a huge mistake. It doesn't... by a long way. //

I don't, but equally inferring that an extreme eastern mindset applies universally is an equally huge mistake - it doesn't either, by a similarly long way.

I don't think you can argue that, to paraphrase - Islam is another country, they do things differently there.

Your inference is that we as Westerners are balanced, normal and civilised, and Islam is none of those things.

I regard that as an invalid generalisation which rather dismantles your argument.
AH, their religious texts don’t say they can’t sell bacon or alcohol - and they are not explicitly forbidden from those products. You will find both on sale in many Muslim countries. Islam simply counsels Muslims against consuming either.

//I regard that as an invalid generalisation which rather dismantles your argument.//

Your assessment without validation doesn’t dismantle any argument.
// Have terrorists like the IRA been 'rehabilitated' or have they just accepted the situation while continuiong their 'struggle' in less overt ways?//

er - if they have stopped popping their guns, then they have been rehabilitated
as Good Queen Bess said 1590s - I will not put a window into men's souls

What abaout Menaachem Begin Irgun Terrorist?
Or kenyatta - Kenyan
or archbishop Makarios - Cyprus
or Mugabe
or Mandela
or Gandhi
or Engels - wanted by the English police and hung out in Manch

or Just about any Pole - including Lukasz - the Nazis declared after they had liberated Poland, 1939, the Boys Scouts ( the Poles had armed them) as a terrorist organisation

sso yes they can
we just have to find a way to do it
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they have been trying for an awful long time wouldn't you say..
the Mulims are not forbidden from eating pork ( someone )
oops missed surat al baqara

"The origin of this prohibition is in Surat al-Baqarah:

He has only forbidden you what dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that over which any other (name) than (that of) God has been invoked; "

oh well - this is AB so any old cr=ip goes for gospel truth

( lahm al ghanzir - flesh of swine - even in the dialect I speak in 2019) oh well.... the struggle goes on )

surat al bagara. 2. 173
// trying for an awful long time wouldn't you say..//
erm no - a mere tear drop in time. - it was thirty for the IRA

and of course it wasnt Long Kesh that rehabiilitated them -
internment without trial was said at the time and now to have energised the movement

PP, Muslims may eat pork if it's necessary. It is not forbidden.

From the Koran:

//But whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit], there is no sin upon him.//
Haram baby its haram
read surat 2 - 173
you are talking about the Law of Necessity - which is also a defence to theft ( I stole coz I was starving , more so or fortiori if children are involved)
and so you would say - they dont chop off the hands of thieves (well good luck nigh!)

the words you have er "forgotten" are:
haram aleikum ( forbidden to you)
.... lahm el ghanzir ( the flesh of swine)

and this means as we all know besides you - that pork is forbidden explicitly in the Quran

oh dear dear ....
Naomi, your quote from the quarn incorporates brackets, a bit like a Wiki page.

Surely this is a readers interpretation that they've put on the text?
One man's 'Terrorist' is another mans 'Freedom Fighter' ! FAR more information needed !
TD, that’s because it’s from the internet, just as PP’s offering is. I don’t know the Koran word for word off by heart - but unlike PP I do know what’s in it.

PP, there’s almost always a ‘but’ in Islam.... and there’s a but here too. You’ll learn ... eventually.
Interesting. Someone must have translated the quarn form it's original language. Are we certain during this translation things aren't put out of perspective?
Don’t ask me. You’ll argue with me regardless. Study it and find out.
I just know how hard an complex Arabic can be to translate. I mean... it almost doesn't. The language is so dated, it's not spoke in the way that we speak today making translation very hard even for the most expert Arabic / English speakers.
I know some can be rehabilitated, I’d imagine some can’t tho
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steg, what should happen to those that can't be....

Maybe “languish in our prisons”

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