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Do You Think That Terrorists Can Be

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emmie | 09:25 Wed 04th Dec 2019 | News
191 Answers
rehabilitated, those say who languish in our prisons.


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Have terrorists like the IRA been 'rehabilitated' or have they just accepted the situation while continuiong their 'struggle' in less overt ways? People like Adams and the late not-lamented McGuiness will always be regarded as terrorists by me, as my mother used to say You can't polish a turd. A lot of this debate about releasing terrorists is about playing...
11:24 Wed 04th Dec 2019
That as well, there are many factors. But sex differences are bigger than religion, colour, environment, upbringing and so on... just look at the statistics. And being male or female is inherited.
No. They are judicially executed. I fail to see how two 5.56mm rounds can cost more than prison for life.If we are a supposed to be a civilised society then murder is not a civilised act. If these malcontents do not understand that then they should be removed permanently.
I recall being told that there is nothing worse than having one's liberty and freedoms removed . Imprisonment is ,therefore I suggest ,a sadistic cruel punishment and also very costly. If you have a terminally ill Labrador it is pointless and cruel keeping it alive with very expensive medication. It is less cruel to have the animal put down.
I don't believe these fanatical terrorists can be rehabilitated and I would rather they were not given that chance. They gave their victims no chance.
Khan was recorded as saying to his fellow terrorists plotters that there would be three results in their previous campaign. 1. Success 2. Imprisonment 3. Martyrdom.
I believe the odds should be reduced and they can settle for No 3.
After all they could deviously dupe some poor sap into granting early release and enter our 'civilised' society to kill again couldn't they?
I note the individual who opened his cell door isn't forthcoming.
// But sex differences are bigger than religion, colour, environment, upbringing //

As I said, sex is a red herring. It's a obviously the single biggest factor in determining whether someone's going to end up in prison. Remove it from the equation, and think about men and women separately.

Do the men that commit crime do so because of genetic differences between them and the men that don't commit crime? No they don't.

Do the women that commit crime do so because of genetic differences between them and the women that don't commit crime? No they don't.

Anyway, whole libraries have been written about criminality. I just believe that people who have planned and committed random mass murder deserve life imprisonment irrespective of anything.
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why is prison for life cruel and unusual punishment, after all they take lives, shouldn't they stay in jail indefinitely.
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retrocop that was to you
You can ignore the biggest cause, if you prefer, naturally. But if we ever want to make a genuine difference, denial is not helpful.
And in answer to your second and third paragraph... quite possibly. As far as we know so far, anyway.
Pixie, I genuinely don't know what point you're trying to make, or what it's got to do the rehabilitation of terrorists.
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i wondered that..
"Have terrorists like the IRA been 'rehabilitated' or have they just accepted the situation while continuiong their 'struggle' in less overt ways?"
I am not sure what you mean by "less overt ways".
You can never generalise about things like this: like I said before, with regard to the IRA, the LVF and indeed any organisation, you'll always get people who recant etc, and others who certainly won't.
For example Father Patrick Ryan, who ran operations for the IRA, has it seems one regret: that he didn't achieve more.
The question of rehabilitation in prison didn't necessarily apply in N Ireland. There was no attempt to do that, and indeed for many, it was a case of banding together and reaffirming their commitment to whatever cause. On the other hand, some found God, and recanted, some read a lot and became more reflective, etc.
Ironically, one of the ones who found God, is the very man now suspected of having been protected by the British state and is still free, but that's more a question of retrospective justice for the victims.
Obvously with the radical Islamic terrorists in the UK jails, questions have been asked about deradicalisation programmes, very understandably. But because there are issues with that it doesn't mean it can't work for some people. Tho I wouldn't want to be the judge of who is genuine and who isn't
I have read, on AB, that 'as a civilised society' we are not supposed to seek revenge by judicially 'murdering' cold blooded unrepentant killers.
I would sooner die with a rope or bullet than be incarcerated in solitary for the rest of my life. Personally I would consider it a cruelty I could not contemplate.
A costly exercise in cruel retribution by the state. These evil scum no longer serve any useful purpose in our society other than to take food heating and medical attention away from more deserving members of society. I suppose they supply jobs for prison staff but there are enough non killers in the cells to warrant prison staff.
They are no use to society. They have done their worst to us.They are no longer worth consideration as humans and should be eliminated. Far less cruel and costly. I would guess other prisoners who may eventually be considered for parole could easily become radicalised by association with this scum.
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retro, i get it, but we don't have capital punishment any more, haven't for years, what do we do with them if not incarcerate them for life.
For me the answer is No.

Bang them up for life - real life.
// I have read, on AB, that 'as a civilised society' we are not supposed to seek revenge by judicially 'murdering' cold blooded unrepentant killers. //

It always puzzles me when people say this, and then go on to say something like 'Far better that we lock them up for life and make them suffer'.

I'm thinking hang on, I thought revenge was wrong, but you want to inflict maximum suffering? Make a decision - do you want to be nice or nasty.
//retro, i get it, but we don't have capital punishment any more, haven't for years, what do we do with them if not incarcerate them for life//

My point was that, imo, Capital punishment should be reintroduced for certain killers including terrorists. If that will never happen then lock them up for 999 years but that will not happen either. They don't even have to serve 16 years.Why is someone in office playing Russian roulette with innocent people's lives? There is no civilised society when we have 70 odd released terrorist jihadis on the loose in the UK.
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as i said life without parole would be my choice.
Without the option of the rope then life with no parole is the ony option.

We should however third party it out to Thailand or Turkey or anywhere that knows how to run a jail and would be glad of the cash.
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nope they should serve their days in solitary in UK, expensive perhaps, but it shouldn't be compared with innocents lives lost.
// as i said life without parole would be my choice. //

Me too. I have no ethical objection to capital punishment for the most despicable crimes. I just don't think it works in practice.
//We should however third party it out to Thailand or Turkey or anywhere that knows how to run a jail and would be glad of the cash.//

Why waste money. In China they execute their killers with a bullet in the back of the neck or if you are really posh you get a firing squad.
The relatives get sent the bill for the bullets.

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