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gulliver1 | 16:52 Tue 17th Dec 2019 | News
77 Answers
The British pound against the Dollar and the Euro has started to fall already,and thats just after 4 days in Power,


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no I want gullivers link, I want to know what he's looking at.
Currencies fluctuate daily, and usually spike when something major like an election occurs - whatever the result.

You can hardly suggest that a drop is the responsibility of the new government!
andy, you are making the mistake of thinking that gulliver applies rational thought before posting
Didn't it shoot up recently ? May be just an overshoot correction, although one can never tell with something so liable to fluctuation.
The Pound has been sliding for decades and decades, absolutely relentlessly bar the occasional blip. Any link to the present political situation should perhaps best be put as the election results not having reversed that trend or even halted it, although one really should look at a significant period, say a few months or so before announcing the result.
It's fallen on the re emergence of the possibility of a no deal. At least that's what the newsreader on the BBC said.
Dropped a bit today but still higher than it was on the day after the General Election and higher than it has been for a while.
The "clever" money waits for prices to fall, then buys.

Then, prices rise, so clever money then sells, and makes a profit.

It's what keeps the financial world going round. ;o)
well, thats the OP made to look an always

notice it hasnt mentioned the forcasted rise in property prices or the lowest unemplyment figures for years etc ...all happening under the watch of it doesnt read this, dont want to ruin his day outside playing
Embarrassing typo. ;-)
That is not TCL Zacs.
Ok. They were wrong whoever it was.
heaven sake give it a rest, negativity wherever you post.....
Come on MZ, get it right...
Any recent changes, or even uncertainty, will always cause some fluctuation briefly. Thankfully, most people who voted, were considering a little further ahead than "the next four days"....
Have a little patience. It was supposed to be "best", not "quickest and easiest".
I hope you aren't an economist for one of the banks, gulliver, as all the signs point to a distinct possibility that you are.
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16.17, The Day after the General Election £1 would buy 1.20 euros today it will buy you 1.18,

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