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So What Was Boris Doing?

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diddlydo | 16:08 Sun 19th Apr 2020 | News
154 Answers
When he should have been leading strategy in the early stages of the coronavirus catastrophe?


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How much effort does it take to hate someone so much?
@ Diddlydo
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Yes as it was a national and global emergency.
Anne //Put your politics to one side for once. //
Do you actually believe that the post by Diddly was not politically motivated?
bobbi. I just think diddly, like many lefties, cannot comprehend how the public could not see the divine magnificence of Agent Cob and elect Boris instead!
Jeremy is now yesterday’s chip paper Pah!
I may not have liked the man but Diddlydo’s hatred borders on the mentally insane
Diddlydo now its time to let it go, you are not going to win
this argument are any other, your are making yourself look
a fool.
Go and read up about June Almeida, nothing to do with Boris
but to do with Coronavirus 1964 yes the date is correct 1964.
The common cold is coronavirus.
>Yes as it was a national and global emergency.

Not in February, not in UK or most countries
Danny, politics aside from everyone. To me a cobra meeting is one of the most important functions of any government. I believe they are instigated by the PM of the government. I find it difficult to comprehend these very important meeting are held without the PM of whatever party is in power .
From the article: "The five meetings Johnson missed came during a period in late January and February"
The first case in the UK was on 31st January- someone who had recently come from China . By mid February there were 8 confirmed cases in the UK. By the end of February 16 cases. The first UK death was 4th March. The status had been set at Low then moderate but was raised to High in March. Boris chaired the meetings after the status was raised.
A Government press release from 2nd March does seem to back up what ff is saying.
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FF - so Boris didn't give a monkeys up until March despite the havoc that was already across the Channel.
Boris took action when needed. My response to it, would have been much more severe... and would probably have started riots and non-compliance. I think he has done the right things, as far as we can tell.
I think a better question is whether the early COBR meetings achieved all they could have done, in terms of arranging testing, PPE etc. as opposed to whether or not Boris was at them.
@ pixie

no matter what action Boris would have taken the pathetically obsessed OP would still be coming out with snidey, snarkey comments and digs...

OP claims to be more intelligent than most on here (evidence proves 100% otherwise) yet cant see the sense in poorclares advice at 10:18 today...
Just seems strange that diddly has it in for Boris when I don't seem to remember any of these type of threads from her on any earlier tory leaders when she is supposedly a Labour suppporter or anyone apart from the tories.
// Perhaps Boris was leading the strategy from another direction.//

what, make another woman pregnant ? - leading or dealing I wonder

He has been very ill and shouldnt be near work of any kind
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Shedman - in answer to your post above. I didn't like the policies of Cameron or May but at least they weren't obnoxious people.
But, diddly it is funny how you didn't have a go at them at all and they were after all your favourite type of people, Tories. But I forgot they were both remainers which is what you really like.
12.22 Spot on. He had a good 3 months to get his ass in gear, but no just waited for the bomb to hit.

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