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So What Was Boris Doing?

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diddlydo | 16:08 Sun 19th Apr 2020 | News
154 Answers
When he should have been leading strategy in the early stages of the coronavirus catastrophe?


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campaign, my fingers or brain slipped.
i don't think Boris will get his knighthood just yet, but i do agree about a campaign medal for the NHS, that is a very good idea. I did suggest the George Cross but perhaps that's too much, who knows...
I'm sure the NHS workers would prefer a pay rise and better working conditions over a medal.
perhaps you are right Mozz, but a Medal would be justification for the sheer guts, determination of the staff
// other sources today have said that Gordon Brown went to Cobra meetings from the start when the Foot and Mouth crisis reared its ugly head //

Foot and mouth “reared its ugly head” in 2001. Gordon brown didn’t become prime minister for another 6 years after that. or are you saying that it’s the chancellor of the exchequer who should be leading cobra meetings?
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Mushroom - please get your facts correct.
"But as Gordon Brown’s former press aide Damian McBride pointed out over the weekend, during a foot and mouth crisis in 2007, Brown “didn’t just attend every Cobra meeting, he chaired them all”. That may have said a lot about Brown’s approach to running government, to the point where he micromanaged detail, but it also showed a prime minister ready to engage with the issue at hand."
I agree with you Mozz71 on Cameron being slimy also his sidekick Osborne. They should stay under the stone they crawled under when they lost the referendum vote.
Mushroom - please get your facts correct.
"But as Gordon Brown’s former press aide Damian McBride pointed out over the weekend, during a foot and mouth crisis in 2007, Brown “didn’t just attend every Cobra meeting, he chaired them all”.

In a measure of how seriously the government is taking this outbreak, Mr Brown, who had gone on holiday earlier yesterday, chaired an emergency cabinet meeting by telephone and will return to London today for another Cobra meeting. Hilary Benn, the environment secretary, also broke off his holiday.
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So Brown was there in 2007 while Boris took no interest in 2020.
Perhaps Brown didnt trust his colleagues whereas Boris does.
diddly, your statement was not correct. Why not just acknowledge it?
no chance, youre dealing with somebody who has an obsession bordering on mental illness..
// So Brown was there in 2007 while Boris took no interest in 2020. //

But foot and mouth had long gone by that time. Gordon Brown was not prime minister during the foot and mouth crisis which occurred in 2001. he did not attend and cobr meetings in 2001 as prime minister because that didn't happen until 2007.

The prime minister at the time of the foot and mouth crisis was Tonty Blair. Diddlydo, intelligent and politically aware person, not know this?
Oooooph, this will be a good thread to quote back at diddly on any political post they try to make. Haaaaaa.
mushroom, there was another Foot and Mouth outbreak in 2007
Yep, diddly's link does say "Foot and Mouth returns"
Brown was PM during the much smaller 2007 outbreak.

A COBRA meeting took place shortly before the official announcement, with the Prime Minister participating on a telephone link.
Brown was a control freak sociopath. The type is always revered by the marxists.
Is everyone hungover or summat?
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Zaksmaster - if you read my posts and links properly and those of Mushroom, you may realise that there were 2 foot and mouth outbreaks in 2001 and 2007, the latter being when Brown was PM so there's nothing to "throw back at me"

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