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So What Was Boris Doing?

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diddlydo | 16:08 Sun 19th Apr 2020 | News
154 Answers
When he should have been leading strategy in the early stages of the coronavirus catastrophe?


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Shedman - you brought Remainers into this, not me. Irrelevant in the current context.
diddly, your thread is really irrelevant but still you are carrying it on. The PM as you have been told many times does not usually go to these meetings but you only picked out the bit from your rag that mentioned it and missed the rest out. Admit it nearly all your political posts have been against Boris because he said he would take us out of the EU. This thread isn't really about the cobra meetings but it is the fact that you can try and have a go at Boris.
Diddly here’s a little something you can carry round with you
I don't think the question if irrelevant at all. I am a lifelong Tory, but questioning whether the PM should have taken charge of those meetings before the 2nd March is quite valid.
NickorWan, the answer was in the link diddly put on so there wasn't really any need for the question, but she only puts on a bit of the information in the link. As it states the PM doesn't go to many of these meetings, others go then inform him of the outcome. He did go to the later ones.
Whether the PM chairs a COBR meeting depends on the seriousness of the meeting, Gove is being protective as he should be. The question remains, was the matter serious enough that he should have started chairing them before he did. If you cast your mind back to the end of Feb Boris under a lot of pressure to take charge of the situation, with claims that he wasn't taking it seriously enough.
Maybe the PM only attends when the status reaches a certain level. The status was low in January and later to Moderate (in Feb I recall), It was raised to High in March and Boris chaired the meetings after the status was raised.
With hindsight it would have looked better to have chaired them and may or may not have made any difference to the outcomes- we'll never know. Depending on how things progress now I think History may regard it as a lack of foresight by Boris and his team of medical advisers.
"Admit it nearly all your political posts have been against Boris because he said he would take us out of the EU."

And just like a typical bremaniac, true to type its throwing its toys out of its pram because it cant get its own way on here, same as it did with the referendum...same as every post it starts.....just cant accept about making a fool of yourself...
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Shedman above - what a load of rubbish re my only putting on part of the link - it was there in its entirety. Re the PM not always attending Cobra meetings - other sources today have said that Gordon Brown went to Cobra meetings from the start when the Foot and Mouth crisis reared its ugly head because he deemed it a national emergency. If Covid isn't an emergency I don't know what is. Ergo Boris should have been there.
Perhaps it wasn't a national emergency until March when the status, which had been low in January and then moderate, was raised to High.
But I realise I've said this 3 times now and clearly you are not going to be persuaded to consider this info
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It was Boris who ordered there to be a Cobra meeting and then decided not to bother attending. How can anyone take this so-called PM seriously?
"How can anyone take this so-called PM seriously?"

why do you think people dont take you and your pathological obsession with him seriously ?...fact of the matter is that he is the PM whether you like it or not and you are a nobody, you get used to the fact
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Just wait until the Public Inquiry into the government's handling of the Covid crisis - the PM will have egg all over his face.
or won't as the case will likely be,
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//I didn't like the policies of Cameron or May but at least they weren't obnoxious people//

Really? Cameron is far more obnoxious than Boris can ever dream to be. Slimy coward.
I prefer Boris as leader any day of the week, Cameron shuffled off when Brexit was in it's early stages, May was worse
I felt a little sorry for May. She was clearly unsuited for leadership, and even more so due to the shambles Cameron left for her after he skedaddled.
Mozz, couldn't agree more.. he left then she took over and wasn't the PM type....
I'm waiting for the thread that proposes a collective gong for the NHS, a commemorative campain medal rather than a GC as NHS GC leaves it open to all sorts of bad taste acronyms - and then 'Arise Sir Boris' for his leadership.

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