"People should be given the relevant information and then allowed to take responsibility for themselves."
Exactly right.
As NJ rightly states, 30,000 deaths to this virus is a tragedy, but at 0.04% of the population, it is a tiny figure.
As of 5th May, of those 30,000, only 322 were aged under 45...or put another way, 0.00048% of the population.
So whilst I absolutely accept we cannot be blase, equally let's get this into some realistic perspective.
The simple fact of the matter is the economy is more important, and therefore the lockdown must end and must end bloody quickly before any more damage is done. IF the lockdown goes beyond the furlough payments provided by the Government, there will be mass-redundancies - this will cause even more damage to the economy, mortgages/rent will go unpaid, there'll be a huge burden on the benefits system, and frankly, we'll be fcked.
It's turning into a cliche, but the cure will be much worse than the disease.