This makes my blood boil -not much does. but this...………..I have no words. Instead of boarding up monuments to the British people who gave their lives so we could live in Peace, they should dust off the water cannons, get out the rubber bullets and do the B job properly. Be prepared, ditch the softly softy approach.
Acts like this are totally contraindicative to the BLM movement.
will the cenotaph still be boarded up on November 11th? will there be a BLM move to ban remembrance commemorations? (assuming COVID 19 doesn't get to them first.....)
Well Aunt Polly, yesterday Ken suggested we should ‘vent ‘ our spleen to our MP instead of here , I went higher than that and emailed number 10, why? Because I live in a labour stronghold and any MP here would love to see the demise of BJ , hold the front page !
I sympathise, APG, but I am not sure how anyone can take seriously the idea that deploying water cannons and rubber bullets in response to protests that stem ultimately from aggressive policing tactics in any way "does the job properly". It would be fuel on the fire.
I'm giving the UK one more year then I'm off to live somewhere where National Pride comes before pandering to BAMES. I am thoroughly sick of White UK citizens having to cow tow to the various 'minorities' , while those minorities show absolutely no respect for the history of our country that allowed their (BAME) ancestors to live here in the first place!.
Jim -I don't care if it enflames the situation -the British Authorities have to get on top of it or this will end up like South Africa. We have armed Police and the Military. The minority -and I type this tongue firmly in cheek- that cause the violence could be easily rounded up and dealt with appropriately. Short and Sharp!
I don't condone the violent aspects, but I don't accept that the anger expressed by the majority of those on the streets only makes sense in the US. No country can claim to be free of those problems. Worse in the US they may be, but absent in the UK (or indeed in any other country) they are most certainly not.
We've got better than water cannons and rubber bullets. We've got Tommy and a few patriots going down to protect our heritage.
You should go down there, jim, and jolly well give them a piece of your mind.
So how many more days of disruption must the peaceful members of society suffer and pay for?
Should this be allowed to continue ad infinitum?
As I said the point has been made, any further 'protest' is unnecessary - unless their aim is actually anarchy.