Is Lenny Henry black? I would never have known; I mean it's not as if he tells us he's black at every opportunity!
I actually think this is a pretty good idea though, but probably from a different perspective; on the rare occasions I happen to have caught a bit of Comic Relief, I did find it faintly vomit-inducing that the likes of the hundred-millionaire, Ed Sheeran, is sent to some toilet in Africa to pose with underfed kids.
Personally I can't stand CR, not for the charity money collected or how it is spent, that wouldn't bother me because I don't give to any charities, the reason I can't stand CR relief is because on the rare occasions I've caught a bit of it, the 'funny' bits are so painfully unfunny that I feel embarrassed for them, and because of the stupid and wholly unnecessary hysteria and whooping from the audience.