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Every picture tells a story, innit.
Probably the same thing that went through Hitlers head(before a bullet)or went through the IRA scums psychotic brains.
I wonder if scores of people the world over will take the knee in solidarity with those whose lives were taken yesterday, because they seemingly didn't matter.
//They already think we in the West hate them with a passion//

They've no interest in what the west thinks of them. They couldn't care less. They're not out to impress.

What goes through their heads? Allah and Islam.
What goes through their heads? Allah and Islam.

And benefits, or why come to the West.
Naomi at 23.06, if you can see into the collective minds of an entire religion, why not put your skill to better use?

Unless of course you just think you know what millions of people think, which is rather more likely.

You could be entirely correct, but it's not a proven fact, which is how you present it, it's your opinion, and that's not a fact, so why present it as though it is?
AH, why not address the question - as I did?
Because I'd rather address your frequent tendency to offer your opinions as though they were proven facts.

//Because I'd rather address your frequent tendency to offer your opinions as though they were proven facts.//

Is that the same as "I'll rather derail the thread than stay on point", because it don't 'arf sound like it.
Ah, I see you have spotted it, Mozz.
It wasn't very well hidden Roy.
I addressed the question at 15.40 yesterday, and have nothing to add to that at the moment.
Mozz at 00.12 - no it's not, but don't let that stop you and your friend from derailing with your own pointless off-thread exchanges.
//Unless of course you just think you know what millions of people think, which is rather more likely.//

Yup, LOL
How exactly saying you'd rather analyse Naomi's posting habits rather than continue to address the topic of the thread is anything short of a deliberate derailment is beyond me, but your continued denial is par for the course when you're concerned isn't it Andy?
Mozz/Roy, Unlike AH, I never mind saying I don’t know if I don’t, and again, unlike AH, I don’t argue about that of which I’m ignorant. Rather than be led down his boringly familiar disruptive path yet again, best to let him get on with it. He’ll end up arguing with himself eventually.
Mozz - // How exactly saying you'd rather analyse Naomi's posting habits rather than continue to address the topic of the thread is anything short of a deliberate derailment is beyond me, but your continued denial is par for the course when you're concerned isn't it Andy? //

That's your interpretation of my intent, and not surprisingly, it's wrong - again.

I have not challenged naomi's 'posting habits', I have challenged the wording of a specific point, which is how debate works.

Naomi has chosen to slide away from responding, preferring to be rude instead.

Fine, we'll let it go, but really, you need to get some objectivity before you leap in - you assume it's 'derailing' because it's my challenge, and the irony is, it is you who is derailing by making an issue based on your animosity, not the action - playing the man not the ball as it is termed.

Back to the thread now?

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