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Voter Fraud ?

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Bazile | 00:58 Fri 06th Nov 2020 | News
97 Answers
President Donald Trump repeats assertion that he has won the election, although votes are still being counted

The president complains of “tremendous corruption and fraud in the mail-in ballots", without giving any evidence for his claim

President Trump says that "ultimately I feel that judges will have to rule" on the result

Is there any evidence of electoral misconduct ?


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Trump has even turned on Fox News now, as they've given Arizona (perhaps a little prematurely) to Biden. If they're right, he only needs to win one more State and it's all over bar the lawyers and recounts.
When you know it's over is when your sycophants - Fox News in this case - desert you. Give up and go with some semblance of dignity for forks sake.
It's difficult not to smile as you see him descend further into panic. I now get why the Tory voters here are so smug after election wins.
As I said on another thread Mozz, there's nothing to celebrate or be smug about on this election, just relief that a lunatic will no longer be in charge.

This is a horrible and shameful period for democracy. The despots of the world must be hissing themselves laughing at all of this.
I guess I just enjoy seeing a tyrant fall. I just hope it's all over soon, and by a large enough margin to make Trump's shenanigans irrelevant.
Joe Biden may well be a bit old for the presidency but Kamala Harris is not.
One thing is for certain; this will not be resolved any time soon. It will make 2000 look like a walk in the park. I foresee never-ending recounts and Supreme Court battles. We'll be lucky if we have a decision by Inauguration Day. If not, the dreaded Nancy Pelosi becomes president by default.
Trump has no dignity, no consideration and nothing except to see hiself as being in charge. He is a megalomaniac and now is showing he has finally all grip on reality.
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1ozzy, if you wait long enough sure they will post and let you know.
morning by the way, how are you
It does seem a bit dubious the degree of change when the postal votes start being added in but its going to be a while yet and a lot of lies from both sides.
You do reaise that Trump dooesn't want a second term anyway and this is his special way, the best way, he has all the best ways of achieving his goal.

It's so obvious if you think about it.
You're absolutely right, douglas. He never, ever, gets anything wrong so, if he loses, that must have been his plan all along and it's so cunning that most people aren't clever enough to see it.
This isn’t the first time doubt has been cast on the integrity of the US electoral system. Check out the history. The American system is flawed.

I hope Biden wins, not least to put a stop to this incessant hatefulness. He forgot his son was dead the other day, and couldn’t remember the names of his grandchildren. God help America.
this is answered on the telly.

it boils down to - yes there always is - but does it count. Trump tends towards the idea that anything wrong then rerun the whole thing
No an idea that finds favour in the courts here or there

Others are saying that if there is a majority of 50 000 and 500 are fraud then it doesnt make much difference. The courts tend to agree with this

The supreme court ditched the whole thing in 2000s/ the hanging chad election. That was on the grounds that various counties in a state were using different methods of counting. They said stop. That is not the issue here

Commentators have pointed out ( me actually ) that Trump wishes to appeal to the Supreme Court about all this and were not aware how he could do so. He cant. His supporters have to follow the state route. The supreme court has no direct electoral powers.

Specifically I dont know if some things will get up and run - one lady has not QUITE said she voted for her dead husband. oo-er Mrs the police will be knocking on her door! Others have said postal votes have had the post mark back dated to make them valid.
A third said a federal judge was fired last year for this! well that doesnt apply does it?

we will see
Unfortunately Trump is not man enough to concede defeat, if it proves to be, gracefully. His ego is too big to accept that he was elected president once but once was enough for intelligent americans
// He forgot his son was dead//

Reagan called Princess Di Princess David and no one called for the men in white coats

Nixon spent up to 95% of every day wondering about Watergate. The country wasnt badly governed by the remainder of appointees

and sozza it is NOT agreed that the american system is flawed and NO calls for reform and 'never again'

but hey this is AB and not the supreme court !

reader notice how the sociolects have changed around the two candidates - sociolect is not make up or hairstyle but word-list
The greatest man on earth ( president Trump that is!) is associated with phrases like - the president made more unsubstantiated charges today
and Biden
gave a new conference in which he said he would heal american - they must show patience

the presidential vocab has been transferred to Biden before out very eyes!

please please - - I am not trying to change your minds....
god it does look as tho they are going to have to send in evictors into the white house on Jan 29th
//Reagan called Princess Di Princess David and no one called for the men in white coats//

Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Just saying.
The Orange One may well stroke out before then, Peter.

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