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gulliver1 | 08:26 Wed 18th Nov 2020 | News
219 Answers
Oh dear , "More people than ever now think Brexit was a Bad Idea, says the latest" "YouGov Poll" . And it aint even kicked in yet .


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I'm of the opinion that 75% of people who voted, whether it be to stop in, or out hadn't really got a clue of the finer details of what they were voting for, or fully understood the basics. ( I include myself by the way), apart from the obvious. Then you have no doubt a percentage that didn't even bother voting because their to busy holding their own lives together in...
12:21 Wed 18th Nov 2020
Me too Emmie, I wear specs but they're not Rosé tinted :0))

The EU isn't just a "common market", it is a "project" whose aim is continued integration towards a United States of Europe. The UK was always going to be in a problematic position as it decided against monetary union.
thanks heavens we did Dr M.
I'm of the opinion that 75% of people who voted, whether it be to stop in, or out hadn't really got a clue of the finer details of what they were voting for, or fully understood the basics. ( I include myself by the way), apart from the obvious. Then you have no doubt a percentage that didn't even bother voting because their to busy holding their own lives together in one way or another, and couldn't care a toss. The out come who knows.
Brexit is not imminent. It happened on January 31st. The only thing imminent is that from 1st January 2021 we stop pouring billions into the EU trough and get to keep all our money. we could certainly do with it the way things are now.
"we stop pouring billions into the EU trough"

Not true.
isn't there a payoff amount of billions....
Yes until around 2064 depending on exchange rate fluctuations over that time (could be shorter, could be longer).
TC: "I'm of the opinion that 75% of people who voted, whether it be to stop in, or out hadn't really got a clue of the finer details of what they were voting for, or fully understood the basics. " - how very insulting to the people. I knew what I was voting for.
so did i, and others who did too.
trevor, nowhere can i find that we will still be paying till 2064, where did you get that info from
"I knew what I was voting for."

Well yes going by your list, that'd be the extent of it. Expectation may be greater than reality, but you'll get what you voted for.
Guess who I voted for !

Remoaner tears, I just love it.
Yes, that's the intelligent equivalent of voting for the person on I'm A Celebrity who is most afraid of the bush tucker trials.

Short-lived joy.
you didn;t answer my question TtP
Insulting or not, however you like to see it TTT, that's my opinion. Without opinion there is no debate. If it is a you say, ( insulting) then I insulted myself too, if you read the post.
Check out 1030
There will be a great desire and need to do business once Coronavirus is made manageable. I'm of the opinion that this will make the landscape of Brexit completely different to what it would have been had CV not happened. The EU and the UK need to be careful with tariffs and not make them punitive just to score points.

I also believe it's changed the relationship with worldwide partners. If we make something or have services which another country wants, business will find a way to work.

So let's not resort to the mud slinging we saw before (and which i notice some people are perpetuating)
ZM: "If we make something or have services which another country wants, business will find a way to work. " - indeed, it really doesn't matter long term what deal they cobble together before the end of the year. It's always revisable further down the line, in the end business will force the politicians into line.
Ah, but once signed up to something, look at the fuss and claims of breaking international law for just stating you intend to change something.

As for folk asking gulliver why they are so interested; isn't it obvious ? Nations remaining in the EU are desperate for other net suppliers of budget cash to join in; so trying to make out that leaving is temporary is a wretched attempt to sway folks' view in the hope of encouraging them to make it so.

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