ZM: "I simply find it ridiculous to have such a dogmatic view of something which doesn’t affect me." - so we are only allowed views on things that affect us directly then? Right oh
"Tora, you’ve just copped-out again, pal. Which is exactly why you got so much schtik on the other thread! Sheesh. " - err no, I'd have thought it was obvious even before the judge pointed it out that it's possible to have a view on something without it directly effecting me. All this Gender woketish has no effect on me personally at all, happy? Bt it does effect society in all sorts of areas. We all now have to accommodate N genders, dockers in drag self identifying so they can use the ladies kazi. kids at school bullied for using the wrong kazi, wearing the wrong gear etc etc. Sports men becoming "women" so they can ruin the female sports because they aren't good enough at the blokes game, etc etc Sheesh is right me old china! Now I know you'll dismiss all the above but I don't care what you say, it does effect society, our children, etc going forward, poor little bar stewards are already the most confused in history thanks to LibFac TROB cobras! now they don't know if they are Arthur or Marthur!