News5 mins ago
"Swamped With Immigrants"
Remember how Brexiteers promised us we would be swamped with immigrants if we stayed in EU.
Looks like they got that wrong too, figures have doubled since Brexit (according to the Daily Telegraph, so it must be right).
https:/ /uk.yah news/nu mber-ch annel-m igrants -reachi ng-uk-1 8452423 1.html
Looks like they got that wrong too, figures have doubled since Brexit (according to the Daily Telegraph, so it must be right).
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.//i don't remember any brexiteers on AB ever mentioning immigrants in relation to brexit. //
What absolute tosh. Wasn't "Taking controls of our borders" a huge part of the reason Brexit won in the first place? Immigration has ALWAYS played a major part in British politics, and Brexit was no different.
What absolute tosh. Wasn't "Taking controls of our borders" a huge part of the reason Brexit won in the first place? Immigration has ALWAYS played a major part in British politics, and Brexit was no different.
"i don't remember any brexiteers on AB ever mentioning immigrants in relation to brexit." - maybe not declared on AB, but 48% of Brexit voters said so.
"The number of migrants increases and, guess what, more people come in and our new borders policy is not yet in place."
More likely that the larger numbers of immigrants, pre and post Brexit are from non-EU countries. Wait till Covid goes away, then phwoomp there will be even more.
"The number of migrants increases and, guess what, more people come in and our new borders policy is not yet in place."
More likely that the larger numbers of immigrants, pre and post Brexit are from non-EU countries. Wait till Covid goes away, then phwoomp there will be even more.
//yes it was but that was about sovereignty over our own borders.//
Yes, so we control what and more importantly, who comes into the country. Sovereignty of our bprders meant that the UK controlled immigration herself, and that we didn't have to take the great unwashed as dictated by Brussels. You can't change history on this one Tora, a big part of Brexit, was that we control the immigration numbers.
Yes, so we control what and more importantly, who comes into the country. Sovereignty of our bprders meant that the UK controlled immigration herself, and that we didn't have to take the great unwashed as dictated by Brussels. You can't change history on this one Tora, a big part of Brexit, was that we control the immigration numbers.
https:/ /ukande /long-r ead/imm igratio n-betwe en-the- referen dum-and -brexit /
The first sentence of the linked essay states...
"Immigration was a central factor in the Brexit referendum of 2016. The British public’s concern about the issue was one of the major reasons why David Cameron was forced to call the landmark vote in June of that year, and it went on to be a subject of crucial importance throughout the campaign."
The first sentence of the linked essay states...
"Immigration was a central factor in the Brexit referendum of 2016. The British public’s concern about the issue was one of the major reasons why David Cameron was forced to call the landmark vote in June of that year, and it went on to be a subject of crucial importance throughout the campaign."
Sorry Tora, but you're either completely deluded, or, more likely, you're using that old saying "the history books are written by the winners". One of your heroes, ol' Nige himself, is one of the most anti immigration voices out there. Here's a selection of his verbal diarrhoea on the subject, many of which are linked directly to Brexit and the EU.
https:/ / arage.c om/?cat =31
The immigration that was spoken of during the Brexit debate was the uncontrolled but legal immigration from the EU. This meant that around 450m EU citizens had the unchallengeable right to settle and work here. That has now changed and the UK government determines who can and cannot settle here legally.
The "immigration" you have cited is no such thing. It is illegal travel to the UK by people not entitled to arrive or settle here. That was extant before the referendum and has continued since. The UK's stance on that influx was the same before the referendum as it is now. Brexit has not altered it one iota.
Still, never mind the facts. It makes a good story for the Remainers/Rejoiners to peddle about.
The "immigration" you have cited is no such thing. It is illegal travel to the UK by people not entitled to arrive or settle here. That was extant before the referendum and has continued since. The UK's stance on that influx was the same before the referendum as it is now. Brexit has not altered it one iota.
Still, never mind the facts. It makes a good story for the Remainers/Rejoiners to peddle about.
It make a pleasant change to see that the luvvies are now showing "concern" about the influx of illegal or undesirable invaders. Perhaps their counterparts in the civil serpents will begin to show similar laser like attention instead of telling us that they are all Doctors, Architects, and Nuclear Physicists, and do what they are paid for and put a stop to it. By force if necessary.
Just goes to show how bad it would have been without Brexit.
But the fact is that the government haven't bothered to deal with the issue yet. Just watch the Nigel Farage YouTube videos to see how our authorities pay France to nip the issue on their side of the channel, and yet are in cahoots with them encouraging the practice by accepting accompanied dinghies full of economic illegals at the border where waters become British and accompanying them to our shore.
The government should look to Australia for guidance on dealing with illegal immigrants in boats. We trust they will soon now that the border is fully a Westminster responsibility. Write to your MP to encourage action.
But the fact is that the government haven't bothered to deal with the issue yet. Just watch the Nigel Farage YouTube videos to see how our authorities pay France to nip the issue on their side of the channel, and yet are in cahoots with them encouraging the practice by accepting accompanied dinghies full of economic illegals at the border where waters become British and accompanying them to our shore.
The government should look to Australia for guidance on dealing with illegal immigrants in boats. We trust they will soon now that the border is fully a Westminster responsibility. Write to your MP to encourage action.
Remember the billboard poster featured in this link Judge?
https:/ / arage.c om/?p=3 30
Don't tell me the ethnicity of the "queue of immigrants" featured is supposed to represent all the Poles and Romanians coming over for cheap labour? Farage (in this case) was clearly picking on the public fears of allowing more immigrants from Asia, Africa and the Middle East over. Might I suggest, immigrants who book of worship might not be the Bible? (Obviously, I cannot prove that, but let's be honest, those pictured don't look like Christians to me!)
Don't tell me the ethnicity of the "queue of immigrants" featured is supposed to represent all the Poles and Romanians coming over for cheap labour? Farage (in this case) was clearly picking on the public fears of allowing more immigrants from Asia, Africa and the Middle East over. Might I suggest, immigrants who book of worship might not be the Bible? (Obviously, I cannot prove that, but let's be honest, those pictured don't look like Christians to me!)