Barrie, i agree that links are good manners but to dismiss a thread because the OP hasn't provided one isn't. The problem with some ABers is that they refuse to speak no evil, see no evil and hear no evil when it comes to the governing party and it's leader. I would suggest that there is more chance of a bit of dishonesty when handing out funds if the person you are...
He used to visit me late at night on his bike, and come into my flat wearing his helmet says Jennifer. OMG.
I can't wait for the book to be published .
Anne, he said in the past he is not resident here, but owned up that he has property in UK. so those who think he's a socialist in his outlook, think again.
It seems to me Gulliver's whole raison d'être is to ridicule others, particularly people who've done at least quite well and often very well for themselves in their chosen paths.
This from someone who can't even attach a link to his OP's is beyond a joke.
i reckon he really admires Boris, that his comments are just a gee up to the rest of us. Besides which i like Boris, he hasn't got everything right, far from it, but i don't know who could currently fill his shoes.
Danny @ 14.22. With your reasoning Danny then practically nobody on here would be OK discussing Trump, Biden, Hilary C or anybody from any other part of the world. Do you really mean that?