/Got any more 'facts' you'd like to share?/
^That was my question to Stanley. Why did you c&p it?
//To be fair he has added a lot of reasoning and caveats on why he has said no.//
It was part of a TV interview. I hardly expected him to say 'I'm a megalomaniac and I want to be the richest man in the world again'. Have you seen the interview? He got flustered and bluffed his way through it. He definitely mentioned needing high profits to invest in future r&d. Read elsewhere, they haven't invested in r&d for over 10 years. They spend it on lobbying and the Governments then fund the r&d. Wouldn't be surprised if they paid for Boris's furniture.
Anyway, by what strange happenstance did World Health Policy come under the control of a non medical billionaire?
//It is not a case of a simple no just a case of no not at the moment until it is perfected but nice try at manipulating what he said Spicerack.//
Are you 'having a laugh', as they say, now, sticky? Did Bill tell you that in private. Cos he sure as hell didn't in the interview.
Do you actually believe they're testing it by injecting it into everybody in the western world and when they iron out all the problems and get it just perfect, they'll share it with the 3rd World. (it's usually done the other way around)
//Not sure why people try to demonise a man who uses his vast fortune for the advancement and betterment of mankind but everyone has an agenda I suppose//
Do you work for him?
Actually, you're not alone. He has quite a fan club on AB, strangely. I suppose controlling the media helps.
There was an unlucky boy like Bill in one of my comics. The harder he tried to get rid of his fortune, the more it grew.