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gulliver1 | 21:13 Wed 28th Apr 2021 | News
201 Answers
If it is proved that Boris misled Parliament , about who paid the bill to refurbish his Downing St flat . Will he have to resign ?, Can he do a Donald Trump and Exonerate himself ?.


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no reply from Gulliver i see about his faux pas trying to link someone to Boris, who by all accounts is dead - got to laugh....
//If it is proved that Boris misled Parliament , about who paid the bill to refurbish his Downing St flat . Will he have to resign ?, //
I would imagine so, not long ago a leading minister in a “parish council” got accused of knowingly misleading said “parish council”, and was expected to resign if found guilty.
Pity all the popcorn was used up back then lol
i can't see him resigning Steg, not him... get the push later on perhaps
Hi emms,
I think you may be right there.

‘what's good for the goose is good for the gander’ kind of thing seems missing at
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I think we all know what the verdict will be in the investigation. It has already been decided by the Cronie Club.
Has the great Curtain Question drawn to a close

This could be satirised in Gullivers (*) travels babies -
The teo great parties - the curtain openers and the curtain closers

in homage (*) to the Big Endians and Little Endians - over the end of the egg that one should open. Civil war no less (*)

(*) who he den / what dey den - use as necessary

nope not ended
the great curtain question is still - drawing entries !
Does anyone mind me pointing out ( hem hem ) that investigations dont have verdicts

not a subtle point if one holds that investigations should be independent and then present their results to a similarly independent panel?

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If you were under investigation P/P, what do you think the finding would be ?.
still no answer i see about you trying to link Boris with someone who is dead, lol
me under investigation?
the jury would scream - guilty guilty guilty before e'en the case kicks off
the judge would say - take him down !
and i wd bleat
" I didernt - I didernt do it!" as welve gavels beat the sides of the jury box

My brother and I age 5 had a secret language including - curtarna
as in "Curtana curtana!" open the curtains. May be demons behind expecially if the other shouts " ghost appear!" - or curtarna curtarna = close the curtains. ( safer actually)

and as I read of the curtain saga ( which really HASN'T drawn to a close has it? ) I think of curtarna curtarna
and how the hacks and journos must be shouting it when he comes out of no 10 ( er or goes in!)
yeah foo again
hey Jackie are you there? - calling all Latinists !
yeah - jus' fort ( putting it in estuarial english just to make my golden age latin look more er golden age)

if Boris's career is ended by the curtain and dezeener fiasco
will his parting words be

qualis artifex usus sum - - what a wonderful designer I have used

( thx to nero who perished - qualis artifex pereo)

yeah foo for the third ( furd) time
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14.06, What does Foo mean ?
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Thought it meant up yours
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FAO Danny , would you like to stop stalking me.
Thats a wierd comment gulliver, danny was being helpful by answering your question! Your infatuation with boris and your silly arguments and insults isnt helpful , am a socialist to but your not reflecting my views and your more likely to put socialists off. Are you really a radicallised Tory double agent??
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20.01, You obviously have not read many of Dannys replies.
what does foo mean
used here for any stupid or gormless rhyming slang
radio rental - foo - righto! - think brayneless think foo!
Jesus ( or foo!) I wouldda thought you realised that

Gully being stalked - o god, you re a like Poor Prince Harry ( but probably not as a good looker) - foo!

Ed note: people are showing foo-fatigue....
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19.22 always thought you were just trying to get a swear word past the bad language filter when you keep sayin Foo, as in fook .

In a rare moment of truthfulness the PM, when asked exactly how much of the cost of the hairy wallpaper he had personally covered Mr Johnson replied, "flock, all"

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