The UK now has the highest Debt since WW2 and what's Boris's latest Idea?
He is going to have a new Royal Yatch built at a cost of £200 Million.
as a tribute to The Duke of Edinburgh.
Borrow the money , spend it , then get the taxpayer to pay it back.
That's how Boris thinks.
I doubt her majesty at 95 has any desire to pratt about on a boat.
But daft Boris wasted £200Million on not building a Garden Bridge over the Thames.
So £200million building a boat for a Monarch who doesn’t want one sounds like bargain.
And when her majesty pops her clog, Tim nice but daft Wetherspoon can take it off Boris’s hands as a floating gastro pub.
@18.52.No,not rude.Just pointing out a few facts which makes an English based Scot go crying to the moderator every time i have a laugh at his expense.
A Royal Yaht doubling up as a floating conference centre, and carrying a Royal Marine band, flags bells and whistles, would do nothing but good for Britain's image abroad, and the Royals could use it every last week in July and first week of August.