//...government business me old china, nothing to see here.//
I disagree, Tora, on two counts.
Firstly, it is said that it was "crucial" that Mr Sharma made these trips ahead of the "COP26" meeting later this year. Firstly that's debateable. The entire world (we are told) is taking the most stringent measures to combat the pandemic. Many people in all walks of life have had urgent need to travel but have been prevented from doing so. As a result they've had to adapt. There is no reason why Mr Sharma and the people he met could not have set an example by adapting similarly. As well as that, the photo accompanying the BBC's report suggests that not all the activities Mr Sharma undertook whilst away were of a "crucial" nature. I don't know too much vital government business that has to be conducted whilst wearing beads and a garland of flowers.
Secondly, all this has been done in the name of combatting climate change. One of the biggest contributors to that problem (again, so we are told) is aviation. Yet Mr Sharma clocked up the thick end of a quarter of a million air miles on his jaunts. In the autumn, when the jamboree kicks off in Glasgow, the attenders there together with their various lackies and hangers-on will no doubt add many fold to that total.
There is an article in the Press today suggesting that the current restrictions on travel are the beginning of a softening up process before restrictions on private air travel are mandated. Those who are doubtful of it being an "us and them" situation at present need only wait for that idea to gather ground - probably in Glasgow in October.