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You Know The Routine......

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ToraToraTora | 09:04 Fri 03rd Sep 2021 | News
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If the NZ authorities had any sense they wouldn’t have had to do anything - except boot him back to his own country. As it was they put their own people in danger.
The NZ authorities did all they could under the laws they had in place. These laws are now being reviewed.
I personally think a country should have the power to kick a foreigner out of their country for shoplifting, never mind being a potential terror threat.
So do I , Roy.
I agree Roy. If a foreign citizen commits a crime abroad, after a jail term is served (if necessary) deportation to the country of origin should be mandatory.

It looks like it wasn't for the lack of trying by the NZ government.
Terrorism is a global problem and requires governments to co-operate to fight it… you can’t just shift every terrorist you can to somewhere else in the hope that someone else will deal with it… deporting him from NZ would have just meant death in Sri Lanka, i.e. no progress, no solution

You mean like the governments of Pakistan and Yemen ?
You need to stop dreaming and face reality
Better that these types stay at home and do their killing than in foreign lands that they exploit the goodwill of to further their agenda and killing the innocents there
You deal with a problem at source
There is no evidence that he was a terrorist at the time he arrived in NZ… he first came to their attention 5 years later. Obviously if he was a known terrorist or terrorist sympathiser at that time he would not and should not have been let in… but he wasn’t as far as anyone knows. Do you disagree that terrorism is a global problem? Do you disagree that doing something about it requires co-operation?
It is not me that needs to face reality… if you think that moving terrorists abroad will do anything to stop a global problem then it is you who is deluded!
Moving him home rather than 'abroad', surely.

Why do you want people like him to be free to inflict their hatred wherever they think fit?
I don't.
Nice to see the routine has been followed,,,
Untitled, that makes no sense. if you don’t want them deported back to their own countries it follows that they will inflict their terror in whichever part of the world they choose.
I don't want them to inflict terror anywhere naomi... i just do not think that moving the problem around does anything to solve it.
// a country should have the power to kick a foreigner out of their country for shoplifting,//

no - - - parking ticket

Nice to see a seam of good common sense running thro this thread
untitled - take you good sense - elsewhere ! - it has no place here
// Samsudeen was arrested at Auckland International airport. Police believed he was heading to Syria //

A missed opportunity. 50,000 ISIL fighters were killed in Syria.
Unitltled, it’s not moving it around. It’s returning it to be dealt with by his own country’s government rather than burdening foreign tax payers with the costs - and exposing them unnecessarily to the obvious dangers.

By the way, short of incarcerating for life anyone suspected of terrorist sympathies, there is no solution to the problem of Islamic terrorism - and even that wouldn’t solve it because, just like buses, miss one and another will be along very soon.. .
Maybe we should chop their hands of, Middle Eastern stylee?
New Zealand will be trying to change its laws following this terrorist attack, to make the deportation of similar people easier in future.

if people are to be sent home, then Shamima Begum.

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