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What Do The Climate Change Activists Want And What Do They Suggest We Do To Achieve It?

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dave50 | 12:29 Mon 08th Nov 2021 | News
81 Answers
They always say they want more done to combat climate change but there are never any specifics. Looking at most of the banners you see on the marchers it seems its more about socialism and anti capitalism rather than the climate which is what I have suspected all along.


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To be a CCA, you need an unassaible level of arrogance and self-importance. Your default position is that only you, and people who think like you, actually understand what is going on in the world - everyone else is just a stupid ignorant moron who doesn't care, and is happy to blunder into the apocolypse without a care in the world. Of course, this is as fatuous...
12:44 Mon 08th Nov 2021
Here are the ones with the palastinian flag, they clearly have no idea what they are doing there.
One word, Anarchy!
Op said "there are never any specifics" but insulate britain is very specific... i don't care about whether or not their leader is a hypocrite, I care about whether they are right.
stickybottom 16:39 pathetic but true.
My point is, Climate Activists are a bunch of self-congratulatory attention-seeking idiots.
Being passionate, and with more knowledge than all of them put together, does not make Sir David part of their nonsensical circus

Oh dear
Do you actually think before you post ?
What is the nonsensical circus ?
Do you find it funny that you do not care about the world your grandchildren will inherit and the struggle they will have ?
Clearly not !
This video is almost tailor-made for addressing the ill-informed
I doubt you will watch it but it will give you an idea about the great man’s stance and viewpoints

It is true fcc but how did you expect him to make the programmes he has ?
Those flights were going to those destinations anyway
Not as if he chartered many privately I would guess
Keep sucking those straws you are clutching to

Plus he is addressing it
Stickybottle- you have no idea about how much I care about my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren and their futures, nor do you know how informed I am.

You display the standard arrogance of the Activist.

You make assumptions about strangers because you think seeing something differently from you makes me uncaring and stupid.

I am neither, but if it makes you feel better to condescend, and be wrong, you crack on with it.
So the worlds on fire,but we can not live without sir davids documentaries,and he had a large team with him,but thats ok cos sir davids nice is'nt he.
Stickybottle- you have no idea about how much I care about my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren and their futures, nor do you know how informed I am.

You display the standard arrogance of the Activist.

You make assumptions about strangers because you think seeing something differently from you makes me uncaring and stupid.

Would you care to look at what you posted in the supposed best answer ?
Hypocritical beyond belief !
He is addressing it fcc
He is not in any denial nor a raging conspiracy theorist unlike some
andy hughes
You make assumptions about strangers because you think seeing something differently from you makes me uncaring and stupid.

See it differently ?
Or in complete denial of the scientific facts ?
You were the one who used the word stupid to describe yourself
Not I
OK fair enough he is addressing it,so will i when i get to his age but up until then i will take my holidays abroad.
Stickybottle - you are fond of the word 'hypocritical ' and you use it frequently.

Perhaps you can point out to me what is 'hypocritical ' in my Best Answer, because, increasingly, I am finding that you don't actually understand what the word means, or how to apply it to arguments you don't approve of.
Andy - //Being passionate, and with more knowledge than all of them put together, does not make Sir David part of their nonsensical circus//

Surely Sticky's video link, in which Sir David supports Greta's actions and basically congratulates her on them means he is in total agreement with the CCAs.
what I can not understand is how myopic a lot of activists and Governments are being to new technology - as in ruling out projects/technology that can use existing facilities and act as a massive CO2 sink - as in their non-recognition of what CO2 capture into synfuels can deliver...I have mentioned the (very interesting) Porsche-Siemens Chile project that looks to warp the economics of Fischer-Tropps to creating hydrocarbon fuels from CO2 in the air....and maybe they just will.......this a project looking to produce 500 million litres of petrol/diesel a year by 2026 and all about carbon capture and not using fossil fuels.
Stickybottle, have you seen my video, these are the kind of people attending climate protests.
Mozz, I haven't watched Sir David's video, I tend to steer clear of 'climate change' videos.

If Sir David is siding with the circus of ego-trippers, then he goes down in my estimation.

But although it clearly vexes stickybottle, I am entitled to my view of climate change science, and the people who use it for their own attention-seeking stupidity, and there is nothing 'hypocritical' about that.

Stickybottle is so keen to criticise me that he plucks adjectives out of the air when he clearly doesn't know what they actually mean.

Anyone can call me a hypocrite, if they can justify it, and not use the term because they think it makes them sound clever.
He's a man who has seen the effects of climate change first hand. It sounds as if you're unwilling to listen to anybody, regardless of their level of expertise and knowledge, which is rather sad. And in my view, as arrogant as you claim the CCAs are.
Mozz, I am willing to listen to anyone who I think actually knows what they are talking about from a scientific point of view.

I don't believe Sir David qualifies under those parameters.
The crowd gasps at the audacity and sheer pomposity on display.

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