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Is Johnson Ok?

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Atheist | 23:49 Mon 22nd Nov 2021 | News
235 Answers
He seemed to me to have completely lost the plot. I heard he's had a cold all week. Hope he hasn't got long Covid.


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I think if anything is likely to lose Boris support in the country it's the unfettered arrival of illegal immigrants coming from France. That said, I don’t think anyone else would be willing to put their neck on the line by getting firmly to grips with the problem. This country is a soft touch with too many bleeding hearts pulling the strings.
Untitled //there are tories who would do a better job than him!!//
And who do you have in mind?
they've all been booted out now sadly but I said before that Rory Stewart or even Jeremy Hung (whom i strongly dislike) would have been better choices...
don't you mean Jeremy Hunt, lol.
Jeremy Hung?

Oh dear! ;)
Untitled , but they are not feasible candidates.Incidently the so called 'red wall' still backs Boris.
i wonder if he will be at PM Question time today?
There's some doubt since the Postman Pat box set arrived. He may be busy.
they were in 2019 danny... but the tories opted for Boris who has now squeezed out the more sensible tories.
so who will fill his shoes then, not one of you can say...
He loses his way and tries a distraction using a bit of humour. Maybe he should use a teleprompter?
This thread minus the OP for some reason ,is full of the hatred of one man,fair enough it’s a democracy and you have the right to sneer and call him but not one of you have put your head above the parapet,( well maybe one has), and said who you want to see as PM have you , Untitled named two who aren’t even back benchers, yeah that’ll work well !!!
You're quite right emmie, not one of us CAN say because not one of us knows the abilities/ambitions etc of ALL the current Tory MPs. I suspect that few of us have even met or conversed with more than one of them, so we are in no position to say who should replace Boris but it doesn't prevent us fron knowing that Boris is not doing a good job.
some must have an idea who would do a better job, JRM perhaps, but his plummy tones would get up the noses of some on here..
isnt it just par for the course that a lot of people seem to hate the country's leader?
perhaps, but he got an 80 majority so it's not everyone. I suspect he has a lot of support, outside of this little forum.
The Tories got an 80 majority, mainly for 2 reasons:

1. Brexit

2. Jeremy Corbyn

Neither of those will be an issue at the next election and I expect Labour to claim a lot of seats back. Johnson is useless in my opinion and was able to take advantage of the above. We'll see.
"Untitled named two who aren’t even back benchers, yeah that’ll work well !!!"

Hunt is a backbencher
i see Keir Starmer as just as useless as Corbyn.
/// Hunt is a backbencher////
Okay, so why do you think he’s on the back benches then?
He’s a yesterday man !

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