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Full Smoking Ban?

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sp1814 | 12:33 Sat 11th Dec 2021 | News
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Should the UK follow New Zealand's lead and work towards a full smoking ban?

I think it's a very brave move, and personally I'd be all for it.


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naomi: "Conversely, TTT, I knew a lady who smoked all her life and died age 84. In her later years she became housebound and smoking was her only real pleasure. Would I have taken that away from her? No, I wouldn't. " - of course not, I know it can actually be more dangerous to stop after a lifetime of smoking. That's the beauty of the NZ system. existing smokers can...
12:56 Sun 12th Dec 2021
One in three contract cancer at some point in their lives -
You are well up to date with all the statistics then, sp.
I know, sp. They won't always be kids.... who are already not allowed to buy them. They will at some point be adults, and buying them off other people instead.
Just to clarify, sp, 4 years afterwards, there will be some adults allowed to buy tobacco and others who aren't? What do you think will happen then?
And since when have we ever successfully treated any addiction by saying " you just aren't allowed to start"?
Not sure they have thought this through.
teapots: "Smokers inflict their habit on those around them. What a silly statement," - why? it's true, I smell smoke every day.
"when its been banned for some time apart from outside. But it seems that none smokers along with x smokers still want to complain about people who are trying to give up smoking by using a vape" - nope I think vaping is good way to give up, just don't fill the air with clouds of gawd know what
"again this product can only be used outside." - not true many vapers do it inside many establishments let them. "The latter is also recommended by the NHS, and they may even be supplied free of charge for anyone who wants to kick the tobacco. " - good idea, don't do it near me
"There has been a massive decrease in tobacco use. " - excellent
"What more do you want?" - to move towards a time when smoking is a historical curiosity. I think the NZ move is a good way to do that.
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I was quoting CH4's Stand Up 2 Cancer, but have just checked and the number is actually 39.5%.

So thanks!
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pixie374 - yep...there will be adults who can buy cigarettes and those who can't. And additionally there will be extra funding for preventative measures. I suspect that what will happen is that this will alter people's attitude to smoking - it will accelerate the eventual demise. Saying that "when have we ever successfully treated any addiction?" is tantamount to giving up. You may as well say "People do coke, we may as well let Sainsbury's stock it".
thanks for the BA sp. [sorry sqad :) ]
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Not Coke with a capital C by the way.
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Let's mark this day - the day that you and I agreed on something.

Then when Haley's comet comes around again...
I suspect that will happen naturally anyway, ttt. There are quite a few subjects here, this, covid, gulliver... where you seem determined to control other people's behaviour instead of your own. It's pointless.
well it does happen sp!
Anything that will prevent young kids from smoking is great. On the pollution / or anything that is dangerous to our health scale, then smoking is now way down on the list to what it was. Regarding don't do it by me, that's a bit like saying don't drive your diesel car or van in front of my car because the fumes are entering my car. Driving behind a diesel van or car could be like smoking 50 Fags in 5 mins.
Actually, sp, that's what I wanted to ask Andy if he came back. But no, tolerating, legalising, criminalising, aren't all the same.
pixie: "There are quite a few subjects here, this, covid, gulliver... where you seem determined to control other people's behaviour instead of your own. It's pointless. " - how do you work that out? All I've done here is back the NZ approach I'm not trying to control anything.
teapots: "Regarding don't do it by me, that's a bit like saying don't drive your diesel car or van in front of my car because the fumes are entering my car." - no it isn't as I said about 5 times above, I don't care about the toxicity or or lack of it, I just don't like the smell.
You seem to be supporting them controlling other people. If you don't like smoke, keep away. It's usually only outdoors now anyway.
I applaud the idea, they will eradicate smoking without actually banning it, I think that's laudable.
You must have a ruddy good nose. Go to any car park/ shopping centre and all you will smell is diesel / petrol fumes, and walking along any road.
They won't though, ttt. They will ban a tiny handful from buying it the first year, while all other adults can. Other than the obvious discrimination claims, that approach hasn't stopped any addiction yet- and that's without it being so publicly available.
Making alternatives more available, yes. Education, attitudes, yes- but they "are" banning it, for one year of people.
yes but it will slowly purge it that's the point.

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