Atheist - // Hello, Andy. I have never suggested that "any attractive woman is just dying to be sexually propositioned by a complete stranger". I have never propositioned a woman in such a way. //
Let me remind you of one of your posts on this thread -
// But one way to get sex is to ask every man/woman you meet if they would like to do it with you. If they say no, then you should respect that. If they say yes, then you have both struck lucky. //
If you don't proposition women in that arrogant and ignorant way, then why post it as a 'suggestion'?
If you don't qualify your observation, people are naturally going to assume it is a view that you subscribe to.
Then you come out with this little gems of understanding and empathy -
// Ellipsis; is it disrespectful to ask a woman if she would like to have sex with you? Surely it's a polite way to act. Is it disrespectful to ask if she would like to go out to dinner with you? //
// Ellipsis. Why? If I meet an attractive woman (regardless of age) And politely ask if she would consent to have sexual pleasure with me, is that disrespectful? It's not rape. It's not gaslighting. It's not bullying. It's not aggressive. What is it? //
Now that is a contradiction of your response to me, saying that attractive women are not waiting to be propositioned, because clearly in your world, they absolutely are.
Then you respond to me -
// Andy; I ask a woman a question. I do not presume that she would say 'yes'. She sees that I am not a rapist or a sadist. She replies as she wishes. Two adults exchange a few words heart to heart.
I presume that a woman can answer a straight question without falling into a faint. If she does fall into a faint then I realise I have been insensitive and I loosen her clothing..... Oh god, this is ridiculous. Are we living in Victorian times? //
Perhaps you might like to re-read that, and ask if you really want to come across as someone who thinks that asking random strange women for sex is appropriate behaviour.
We'll leave out the bit about 'loosening her clothing' and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you are trying to be amusing.
Failing spectacularly and tastelessly, but trying.
And having posted your willingness to assume that strange women you have not met must automatically share your 'liberal' views towards sexual propositioning, even though I would seriously doubt that any of them actually do, you bleat about not being challenged by any female AB'ers, which you clearly think means your views are acceptable.
And from one of the site's most level-headed and reasonable female posters you get this -
// From Naomi - Atheist, //is it disrespectful to ask a woman if she would like to have sex with you?//
//She sees that I am not a rapist or a sadist//
She sees that you’re a creep.
//I'm surprised that it's so far only men who have reacted strongly against my posts.//
That's probably because any woman with a modicum of self-respect is disgusted by your appalling attitude. As for black eyes, your eyes wouldn't be my target! //
And unsurprisingly, you have ignored it.
Atheist, if you want to go through life assuming that every woman automatically needs to approach sexual propositioning as you do - a turkey shoot in which you may or may not get lucky, and if not, no harm done, move on - then that's fine.
If you don;t mind getting your face slapped with tedious regularity, or as Naomi suggested, something a little more direct.
And you finish with -
// You are doing to me what I have seen you do to others; taking offence at some idea and then taking it out on the 'perpetrator' with a bit of personal criticism. //
No Atheist, I am pointing out the horrible creepy misogynistic attitude you display towards women under the apparent ludicrous belief that because you are so '21st century' in your pursuit of casual sex, then every woman you approach with it is going to be of a similar mind ... .