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Ukraine (Again)

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Paigntonian | 14:42 Thu 07th Apr 2022 | News
65 Answers
How long can, or should, we stand aside while people are being slaughtered? Know all the reasons why we don't want to risk escalation, but if Putin opened extermination camps would that, at least, mean that we would do something?



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I think if we did need to we should. But we almost certainly don’t need to. Ukraine has a huge army of well trained, brave and dedicated men and women. Give them the tools and they will get on and do the job
15:25 Thu 07th Apr 2022
The only thing that puzzles me about that missile is that I was under the impression that such would explode into much smaller bits on impact.

This seems to be on the grass with no damage around, no creator. Unless its been dragged from the spot of were it landed, but again its more or less in one section???
It did break into pieces.
The SS-21 is notoriously inaccurate.
The Russian military posted details of the attack on a website before hastily taking it down.
Friendly fire? Hardly. They aren’t THAT inaccurate.
I am not sure if you were not carefully reading what I wrote.
and, - what I've been saying for years;
Along with her legacy of allowing 1 million plus unvetted migrants into Europe, history will note that she was complete disaster.

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Ukraine (Again)

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