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A Party Too Far ?

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gulliver1 | 17:39 Tue 12th Apr 2022 | News
185 Answers
Boris Johnsons ambition was to make his name remembered in History.
He has certainly achieved That.
Boris Johnson is the first serving Prime Minister in history to have broken the Law. He and his Con Party thought they were above the Law.
It is time for him and his Cons to go . he has taken the Pee far too long .
....Get Rid ..
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> over 8000 were fined, why is the PM any different 1) those 8000 didn't set the rules 2) those 8000 didn't lie to Parliament about it 3) telling the truth to Parliament is not a requirement of their jobs
19:58 Tue 12th Apr 2022
You are saying it’s my opinion that he attended parties and he has 2 eyes ?

Feels like you are arguing for arguments sake. Of course he was at some of the parties, he has a fine to prove it.
no that he attended a gathering and did not think it was illegal. It was actually within the rules anyway.
"It was actually within the rules anyway."

If that were the case, why did the Met believe otherwise and why have all three of those named yesterday, paid the penalties rather than challenge them?

Have you had sight of all the evidence produced in connexion with each of those individuals relating to that particular incident?

If yes, please enlighten us.
Apology accepted. Now let the guy crack on with running the country.
If plod sent a "questionnaire" for you to fill in what would you do with it? I would have told em to stick it up their watsit. Imagine if they asked the wackos who glue themselves to the road to fill in their own charge sheets. They would never get the the accusations to stick.
Owning Street and Whitehall are plastered full of CCTV, swipe card passes and message and email data.
The 100 individuals were sent questionnaires because there was sufficient evidence of rule breaking. The questionaries were merely a courtesy to let them give their version of events. Ignoring them would not have avoided fines.
I wonder if plod "officially" made them aware of their rights and that the "questionnaire" would be used in evidence against them. Was the required reading of rights signed off at the met and recorded? If not was the whole procedure a miscarriage of justice? Perhaps they could get one of those "you man rites" briefs to represent them. Starmer hasn't got much on at the moment, perhaps he fancies the gig. He used to be quite keen on that sort of stuff, or was he only concerned when the "victims" were communists or illegal immigrants and such.
//Have you had sight of all the evidence produced in connexion with each of those individuals relating to that particular incident?

If yes, please enlighten us.//

And oh wouldnt you like him to break the OSA, because thats the only way he could see the Mets data by having signed that.
There is a far more serious side to this. There are little lies and big lies, never the less they are lies.

Other countries will never take Boris seriously again, that's if they ever did before. The problem is now Boris will never be able to brand another country to be devious or have a playbook.
His branding of Putin is now a very sticky wicket.
Once a liar always a liar I'm afraid.
Much as I hate to admit it I agree with Sandra.
//There are little lies and big lies, never the less they are lies.//

I see what TTT, quite correctly, has been pointed out was a whoosh moment for you.

And I doubt World leaders give a monkeys about Johnsons so called party's. They have far bigger things to worry about.

And anyhow there are much bigger things Johnson needs to answer for, like where and who did all the brass for track and trace and furlough etc go.

Then there is the ridiculous green policies that are putting sections of the community into poverty.

Those are the things we should be holding him to account for and demanding he go.
Togo... I'm pretty certain boris rishy and Co all took top legal advice and got someone to fill in there questionnaires so no miscarriage of justice imo
Boris has irreparably damaged his reputation and should resign now to give his replacement time to restore the Tory party's image
Whether you like it or not, and don't care for it much.
Boris will drag this country down now by just stopping in number 10. If MPs don't vote him out they will be seen to support a liar.
'I wonder if plod "officially" made them aware of their rights and that the "questionnaire" would be used in evidence against them.'

The letter included the following declaration,

"I make this declaration of my own free will. I understand that I do not have to say anything but that if I do it may harm my defence if I do not mention when questioned something which I later rely on in court. This statement may be given in evidence."
We will all have egg on our faces if Boris don't go. Because when Putin views a leader being a soggy rag that's when he takes advantage.
That's why I say in an above post its far more serious on the world stage, and if you think ( like someone's already said) that other countries couldn't care less, you would be wrong.

They won't do deals of any kind with a known liar.
Sandra //
They won't do deals of any kind with a known liar//
Deals are usually done by the appropriate minister not the PM.
Ukraine’s PM must feel really confident in the British PM who is a known liar .
Anne. Zelensky has much to be grateful for with regard to how Boris has supported him by supplying weapons.
Yes ann Zelensky got one liar in the Kremlin, and now another in number 10. It must be very worrying not knowing if those weapons will arrive or a create of wine and a block of cheese.

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