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Pay Rises For C E Os

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tiggerblue10 | 18:03 Mon 22nd Aug 2022 | News
90 Answers

Do you agree that CEOs should get these huge pay rises and bonuses making the pay gap between them and the staff even wider? I know this happened in the previous years but given the current financial and energy crisis there would be an outcry if figures like this are published.

I've heard this saying so many times lately 'the rich get richer and the poor get poorer'.


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Greed not need, but it has always been the "norm" for the already rich.
As a clear communist could you define 'need'.

It's clearly not the same definition I have.

What is very clear from some on here they have absolutley no idea on how a business runs and the responsibilities of a CEO. Neither to many seem to have the financial acumen to understand why they get so much and that if they didnt absolutely no one (except shareholders) would notice the difference.

I suspect many of the same also fail to realise they are indirect shareholders themselves and benefitting as many pension pots will be invested in these companies.
Well written, YMB.
Tigger, the people you’re talking about are those who build businesses and generate the business that provides the jobs for the rest. They’re the people who shoulder the responsibility, who very often relegate their personal lives to second place, who never really take a holiday, and, whatever is required of them, never say ‘it’s not fair’.
//There is legislation for a minimum wage, why not for a maximum wage?//

/Because it negates incentive. Very few would make extra effort for no reward./

…..and yet it works for the Armed Forces, which makes your assumption look rather silly.
They have a maximum wage, no Field Marshalls or Vice Admirals looking for bonuses or share dividends if they win a battle, are there?
As I’ve said, pure greed, nothing more.
Pathetic that a few on here advocate it so vociferously.
Fatti, is there any given subject you don't have a half-arsed opinion on?

You're very similar to TTT in some respects, you know.
He doesn’t understand business.
//Fatti, is there any given subject you don't have a half-arsed opinion on?

You're very similar to TTT in some respects, you know.//

Aw, disappointed that your thunder is being stolen? Jealous maybe? Bless you! PMSL
//He doesn’t understand business.//

She doesn’t acknowledge greed in extreme circumstances, but why would she, she thought Boris was a great PM, witty fellow and honest too.

Detached from reality.
Jesus, Fatti. Is that seriously your response? You flit about on here throwing in half-baked opinions like poo confetti, occasionally accompanied by childish insults like the one we've just seen. I seriously think you need a break from AB as you're sounding like that bloke who haunts the end of every pub bar, spouting mostly utter crap which no one wants to hear.
I find the idea that there should be a cap on somebody's earning potential truly bizarre.

Let's take the CEO of Barclays - his basic is £2.7m, and with benefits and bonuses has the potential to receive an additional £6.7m.

I accept these are eye-watering amounts to 99.9% of the population, but he will be commanding that sort of money because he must be very good at what he does, but to suggest this is "unfair" is ridiculous. It's a fact of life that some people do better in life than others - so what.

But let's take Sunny-Dave's (ridiculous) idea of capping his salary to 20x the lowest paid employee. The average salary of a new cashier is £18k, so Mr Venkatakrishnan's salary would be limited to £360k. Clearly if Mr Venkatakrishnan can command his salary, which would have been ratified by the Barclays remuneration committee and the shareholders, capping it to £360k would quickly result in him plying his trade elsewhere.

Somebody mentioned on this thread that if CEOs take a paycut, the money could be shared among the employees. In Mr Venkatakrishnan's case his basic would reduce by £2.34m which, would give each of the 88,400 employees an additional £26.47 a year, a massive 51p a week.

People getting prissy about CEO pay do so out of jealousy.,according%20to%20calculations%20by%20Bloomberg.
//Jesus, Fatti. Is that seriously your response? You flit about on here throwing in half-baked opinions like poo confetti, occasionally accompanied by childish insults like the one we've just seen. I seriously think you need a break from AB as you're sounding like that bloke who haunts the end of every pub bar, spouting mostly utter crap which no one wants to hear.//

Aw cheers, I’m glad I inspire you to write such pieces.
Why not heed your own advice or stay in your own lane?
I’ll post on whatever subject I like, but thanks for your continued interest.
//You flit about on here throwing in half-baked opinions like poo confetti, occasionally accompanied by childish insults like the one we've just seen. I seriously think you need a break from AB //

Zacs it will come to pass ... again. A name change does not alter the hate filled, illogically inflated ego, and uncivil persona that is destined for room 101 ... again. Another sleeper account is already prepared.
Another follower?
I’m flattered that I pique so much interest.
Thanks Togo, just don’t stalk me as much as the others, please.
It’s getting uncomfortable.
Getting very personal there, Togo. Fatticus is the voice of sanity on this thread.

You haven't answered my earlier questions by the way.
Ohh God ... there's two of em.
I think it’s a family thing. ;o)
Typical. No rational argument so resort to insult.
//Getting very personal there, Togo. Fatticus is the voice of sanity on this thread.//

Thanks for the endorsement.
As for Togo…..well, he’s one of 13 you know, probably his one chance to be heard is on AB.

As for answering your questions, good luck with that. Plenty of gripes and snipes from the usual, but address the actual issues? Not a chance.
It’s all about the character assassination, like ToraToraTora when he prattles on about pulverising Labour, for them nothing else matters.
//I think it’s a family thing. ;o)//

Who knows Naomi ... "Certainly on a par" though.

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