JDavis, why do you think I need to convince anyone of anything or to seek their approval? I don’t.
However, for the benefit of those who seem to think their opinion is paramount, and since Fatticusinch is obsessed with my thoughts on Pincher, I’ll repeat here what I’ve said before. Boris said he’d been made aware that Pincher was a groper. However, Pincher was not a convicted criminal and as far as I’m aware still isn’t. Boris was in effect running a business - he was the boss - and if he felt that Pincher was the best man for the job that’s who the job, quite rightly, went to because from a business perspective it was beneficial. I’d hazard an educated guess that neither you nor fatticusinch - or anyone else whose knickers are in a permanent state of flood over this has ever run a business but I have - and very successfully - and I assure you that it is not unusual for a job to be given to the right person regardless of unrelated circumstances. I’ve done it myself.
Not your fault you’re naive. You’ve just never been in that position. Carry on.