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Absolutely No Need For This Sort Of Thing.

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douglas9401 | 10:46 Sat 05th Nov 2022 | News
236 Answers
Easy solution, simply stop invading us.


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"Take back control of our Borders" and you lot believed him .

Shall we just let them keep coming then, Zacs?

I say do what Australia did and get the Navy out there. Any boats approach, threaten them with gunfire.

An old but interesting article:
// get the Navy out there. //

The RN are not interested.

// boats approach, threaten them with gunfire.//


Even Idi Amin gave them 3 months grace to pack up their impedimenta before leaving.

Come on folks!

This is all a storm in a teacup.

No one was hurt.

After all it's a deportation centre. They'll be out of your hair in a short while.
//The RN are not interested.//

The RN will do what they are bloody well told!
//Even Idi Amin gave them 3 months grace to pack up their impedimenta before leaving. //

You're not thinking this all.
‘Shall we just let them keep coming then, Zacs?’

I’m afraid you’ve done the usual AB non-sequitur ‘thing’ there, LCG in assuming I’m pro immigration when I merely meant to pint out the futility of the phrase ‘send them back’ and the fact that, when pressed, no one actually knows how to facilitate the act.
‘ You're not thinking this all’

Oh, the irony.
I assumed no such thing, Zacs, and I think you're missing the point entirely.

We simply don't want them here. Why we're standing idly by and allowing this invasion is beyond me. And Dave is quite correct, the Navy can bloody well do what they're paid to do and defend our waters.
If we stop them coming in the first place, we won't have the bother of deporting them. Prevention is better than cure, as they say.

I’m not missing any point, LCG. I’m making a tangential comment on those who are saying ‘send them back’ and pointing out that the mechanics and associated costs are very problematic. I agree that prevention is better than a cure, but there again, the mechanics of this are proving somewhat complex as an island nation.
The majority are being facilitated by organised criminal gangs and human traffickers. These are the people that need to be targeted in the first instance and all European nations need to work together on this.
My post at 09:57 gave a clue to a starting point. No irony involved.
Hang Tony Blair by his balls for starting this way back from 1997 to 2010,Oh and his lawyer wife Cherie for defending their rights to be here, slimy get rich quick couple!
"the Navy can bloody well do what they're paid to do and defend our waters."

What exactly do you want the Royal Navy to do?
//What exactly do you want the Royal Navy to do?//

Sink the dinghies in the channel & return any survivors to France.
Naomi, your ‘and them back to where they came from’ comment is an ideological opinion, not a starting point. How is the ‘sending’ done and who pays for it?
Zacs. You missed the bit about human rights. We'll pay for it. Cheaper than keeping them here. A veritable bargain at the price!
Dave, we’re a fairly civilised country. Sinking dinghies by our armed forces is morally wrong. Besides, Can you imagine the backlash in the political party who ordered such actions?
"Sink the dinghies in the channel & return any survivors to France."

Are you not bothered about fatalities, not bothered about wee ones drowning?

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