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Hunt For On-The-Run Asylum Seeker

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fender62 | 19:45 Thu 17th Nov 2022 | News
213 Answers
gobsmacked is not the word, begining of a giant iceberg for the uk, sadly we will become like sweden, and there rape explosion let alone gangsterism, anyone disagree.


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LadyCG; I'd appreciate some information, not just a suggestion that if I went somewhere I'd agree with you. Have you got any stats?
Of course what's also to be borne in mind is that hotel staff took their jobs in the knowledge they would be working in a hotel. When their hotel changes to a quasi-hostel for mainly young male migrants, some possibly of dubious intent, it's rather a different ball game.
Seems he's been found:

//Have you got any stats?//

No stats. But here's a couple of snippets from people who probably know more about the situation in Malmo than I do:

The second, of course, you will probably dismiss out of hand because of the source. However, there's plenty more around if you look.

NJ, the owner could ask for more money in order to retain the catering staff to do other duties and allowing the other staff to take more time off.

The hotel need not justify its asking price and the Home Office can accept it or reject it.
Zebu, // anyone who would make such a perilous crossing in an overcrowded dinghy must be in dire staits. //

Tosh! How can they be in dire straits? They're coming from a safe country and have thousands of pounds to pay for their fare. They're chancers, we're mugs, and anyone who thinks they're 'in dire straits' is what is known as a 'useful idiot'.
ain't that the truth Naomi..
It is emmie. Absolutely.
can't understand anyone supporting these people crossing over the channel, it makes no bloody sense.
//NJ, the owner could ask for more money in order to retain the catering staff to do other duties and allowing the other staff to take more time off.//

That is not what the Home Office is looking for, Corby. And in any case, why should they? This scandal is slaughtering businesses and towns. Any hotel that accepts these contracts are unlikely ever to resume proper business again. That may suit them - especially if they are not particularly successful. But an influx of mainly young males, roaming round a town with nothing particularly to do will very soon ensure other businesses in the town suffer as well.

We should not be looking at ways to accommodate these people. We should be looking to (preferably) keep them out or at least return them whence they came. Yes, I know it's difficult (at least the government makes it so by their continued acquiescence to agreements which do not suit us). But that's why we have a government to solve these difficult problems rather than simply shrug their shoulders.
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ill say it again, parasites lice ticks excretia... human rights my arris
What's the AB opinion on Syrians seeking asylum?
//the owner could ask for more money in order to retain the catering staff //

The last thing the H.O. wants is witnesses to the scandalous mollycoddling of thousands of illegal invaders whilst indigenous British people struggle to pay for heating and food. Hence get rid of the local people who work in the "hotels" and bring in compliant facilitators to cater for them. Who are these "caterers" though? Where do they come from? How much do they cost us? Are they recent "arrivals"?
What's your opinion on criminals entering the UK and claiming phoney asylum, sandy?
Would you be surprised that the the Bliars(noo layboor) are making mega money as advisers and legal support to the Albanian Government, and the illegal invaders? I wasn't.

Togo; Are you indigenous British? If so, which stone-age tribe did you belong to?
^ Says the man always banging on about insults
Roy; it was not meant as an insult. Britain has been occupied and overrun and conquered many many times, and I wondered how Togo defined indigenous. Please try to answer questions as they are put, not as you presume my motives are.
As if.
It would be nice if you tried to reply in an intelligent way, rather than sneering. I'm sure you must be nice to somebody in your life. Why not to people here who you have never met?
//If so, which stone-age tribe did you belong to?//

Oh dear. Is that sort of personal question no allowed on this site? I belonged originally to the Homo Habilis "tribe". The first tool makers. However, I claim no credit for making you.

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