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gulliver1 | 11:27 Wed 22nd Mar 2023 | News
64 Answers
Does the The Boris Johnson Circus start today .???


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I wonder if we will get a © Boris apology.
One of those when he doesn’t really apologise for the misdemeanour, but he is sorry that he got caught :-)
Apologies from any politician isnt worth the time listening to Gromit.
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"Hand on heart I did not lie to the house" says Boris
................That's another lie then....................
The youtube guy ‘Hi my name’s Phil – I like to talk about politics (a different bias)’, made an interesting observation yesterday, based on Boris’s written submission to the privileges committee – that those supporting Boris must accept that he is a complete imbecile – then you have to ask yourself, why are you supporting him?
“…made an interesting observation yesterday…” said no one ever other than Hymie.

Fixed it for you Hymie.

I really can’t make up my
mind on this.

On the one hand I feel the investigations, of both BJ and SKS were a total waste of time given these people were working together. In fact, I’d say the Beer and Curry social was worse, because at least with BJ they were all working in the same office together.

But on the other hand, it was BJs Govt who made the rules so (a) I find it implausible he didn’t know them and (b) if he didn’t follow them why the hell should anybody else.

It’s a given the vast majority of the rules did not stand up to the scrutiny of common sense, but they made the absurd rules, so perhaps they should abided by them.

It therefore follows that I struggle to believe he did not knowingly mislead parliament.

Such were the absurdity of the rules that NYE 2020 that friends sneaked into out house via the rear building works we were having done.

I’m happy to hold my hand up and say I simply can’t decide this one!
A kangaroo court headed by the godawful Harriet Harman who is well known for her hatred of Boris and will do everything in her power to bring him down.

A pity she can't direct her venom at Tony Blair and Alistair Campbell, whose crimes are far worse than someone eating cake.
The whole thing is a nonsense and always has been.
I think that just about sums it up Naomi.

I think this is more about playing the man rather than the ball.
It always has been, DD. Brexit is the culprit.
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Like the way Sunak used the Johnson inquiry to publish his Tax return ,at the same time .
This is just what Johnson would have done .
"Now is the time to throw a dead cat on the Table"
Sunak and wife worth £730 m ..richer than King Charles only paid £432.493 tax 2021-2022 .Tory greed.
blubster 17:48, bang on, BA right there.
DId you pay more than $432000 tax that year then gulliver
They paid what was due. What's wrong with that?
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Blubster 17.48 Harriet Harmen also Yvette Cooper both Brilliant Politicians.
More importantly, did they avoid or evade tax?

They wouldn’t have done the latter, so it has to be the former, in which case, bloody good for them.

I know I keep on saying it (I’m even boring myself now) everybody who has an ISA is avoiding tax.
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18 .32 Nothing wrong with that at all. It's just that Sunak had been asked to publish his tax returns for some time now and he did not , he waited his chance while the whole of the UK were watching Liar on TV . Well done Richi you have picked up Johnson's ways.
Sunak should not have published his tax return. That’s a private matter between him and HMRC.
I hope the PM has avoided all the tax he can. I would hate to have a leader too dim to avoid it.
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As an ex Chancellor Sunak would know all about Tax avoidance.

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