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gulliver1 | 11:27 Wed 22nd Mar 2023 | News
64 Answers
Does the The Boris Johnson Circus start today .???


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Yes, I'd hope so gulliver.
Gulliver doesn’t know the difference between avoidance and evasion.
If I had the wherewithal to legally avoid tax, I would pay highly skilled accountants to do so.

Nobody, even billionaires, should pay more tax than they’re legally required to pay. I’d go even further, I’d say we all have a duty to avoid tax.

All Government’s, no matter what their hue, are profligate with other people’s money, so if I can avoid tax, I damn well will, and so should everybody else.
Dear god. What a pathetic, bumbling fool Boris Johnson is. :-(
It's not illegal in this country to drive past an accident and not stop to offer assistance (in France it is illegal). Deskdiary; would you feel happy in yourself to pay advisers to help you avoid stopping? Maybe if it was Princess Di in the Paris tunnel? Or a street sleeper who was gasping (I mean really gasping; not just whinging) for help on the pavement? Or a child who had fallen into a frozen pond.
I suspect that the human instinct would have kicked in and you would have helped without a second thought.
I’m no fan of Boris, because he’s not a proper Tory, but he performed very well.

To suggest he didn’t is wilful dislike.
DD 19:35, add that to a very long list.
Atheist...what a bizarre argument.
If that was a party they keep showing the pictures of then we had more exiting teabreaks and team meetings at work ... but Boris as not come out a this looking good for absorbs of reasons and is a busted flush in politics
Atheist 20.33 Well said.
Atheist has managed to produced the most bizarre analogy, absurd,
and wrong nonsense I think I’ve ever seen on this site.

That’s going some given Gulliver and Gness regularly post.

Kudos atheist.
Deskdiary - I consider that to be a new low even for you - I would politely ask that you withdraw your unpleasant remarks.
Fair enough.

Atheist’s analogy wasn’t absurd.
What I tried (clumsily) to say was that just because something isn't illegal doesn't mean that it is morally good.
bobbin.. Does that help?
Very droll, deskdiary - but hardly a fulsome mea culpa.

I'll retire and leave this in the lap of the Editor for tomorrow.

I'm aware that I haven't addressed the main issue - and since I did watch a fair bit of Boris's testimony 'live' (as opposed to the clickbait headline clips) - I'll chuck my two penn'orth in.

He seemed only marginally coherent, his replies were rambling and imprecise and I can best summarise his excuses as :

1. I did nothing wrong
2. No-one told me it was wrong, anyway
3. Repeat item 1.

It was in the best style of "The dog ate my homework" which he has relied for everything tricky since he was at prep school.
[email protected] // I would hate to have a leader too dim to avoid (paying tax he didn't need to).
What about too dim to recognise what a party was?
That's certainly a weird analogy, atheist.
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The Con's have created their own problem here.
If they chuck Johnson out, It will spark a By-election for Boris's seat Uxbridge. And the Cons will lose that seat . They will also lose at the local elections in May If they keep Boris on- they will lose that seat anyway at the GE Damned if they do Damned if they don't.
.......Get rid of the Haystack now...

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