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Labour Promise To Halve Violence Against Women...

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mushroom25 | 18:53 Thu 23rd Mar 2023 | News
31 Answers

and how exactly can they do that, when they cannot agree amongst themselves what a woman actually is?


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Pie in the sky. Coming from a party whose leader signed a letter to prevent the deportation of dangerous foreign criminals, this has to be a bad joke.
bhg: "Well, if they win the election and then don't manage it, will TTT accuse them of lying or will he accept that it was just something they didn't manage to achieve? " - yes it will simply be a failed intention, you're learning!
rowanwitch @ 19.25:

"... it will take even longer for some cultures to embrace the concept that females are equal members of society..."

Women will never be equal members of society. It just isn't naturally possible. T'wont 'appen.
Labour can promise what they like they ain't getting into no 10. A year is a long time in politics. Perhaps they can use that time to find out once and for all what a woman actually is, they seem unsure.
A year is a long time in politics, TTT. For all parties. Who knows? Bring back Boris, I say. The lying hypocrite would be great for Labour.
If that's true, Clarion, you'd end up with a leader who, quite bizarrely, doesn't know that a woman doesn't possess a penis. Some in his team are just as confused. Are they just stupid - or are they lying?
I think it is an admirable goal though clearly not achievable.

If it is regarding arrest rate, this has been tried before, all that happens is a flurry of 'dodgy' cases are bought bringing misery to the men and no justice to women becasue they get thrown out.

Violence also needs to be tackled in all ways, so not just against women but also against men or indeed any the many genders Sir Kier seems to think exists.

I dont think anyone will ever stop violence though, its impossible unless they feed us all happy pills from birth. Humans are humans.
Women have babies. Women don't do skilled manual work. Or unskilled manual work, for that matter. Having had babies, lots of women never go back to work. Tis the way of the world.
I refer the honourable member to my reply @ 09.14, and I commend it to the house!
//Women don't do skilled manual work. Or unskilled manual work, for that matter.//

Must disagree, 10cs.

I have a lady plumber to see to my pipework and very skilled and competent she is. She also speaks of her children, so she must have had babies at some point. As well as that, 2 of the five crew of my dust cart last week were women. Times have changed.
"Women have babies. Women don't do skilled manual work. Or unskilled manual work, for that matter. Having had babies, lots of women never go back to work. Tis the way of the world."
Wow!! Is it the 1950s?
I don’t know any women who have had babies and not gone back to work, skilled or unskilled.
Dear me, some people do live in the past..

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