Crosswords8 mins ago
Chaos At Dover
Thousands of coach and car passengers endured a miserable Wait .
Many of them all through the night for their much awaited Easter Holiday
Stormy weather and the French were blamed by the UK Government .
But the Brits were just getting a taste of what they signed up for with Brexit When voted to become "Third Country Nationals" in the eyes of the EU... And it can only get worse....You are no longer in the EU so you have to join the non EU queues at ports and airports You voted for it . Enjoy.
Many of them all through the night for their much awaited Easter Holiday
Stormy weather and the French were blamed by the UK Government .
But the Brits were just getting a taste of what they signed up for with Brexit When voted to become "Third Country Nationals" in the eyes of the EU... And it can only get worse....You are no longer in the EU so you have to join the non EU queues at ports and airports You voted for it . Enjoy.
As I have said before, things are going to get much, much worse with Brexit continuing to wreck havoc on the UK.
09:20 Sun 02nd Apr 2023
And yet (and waiting for the usual put down by jno) I have been to Europe 3 times since we left via airports. Several family members and friends have via Eurostar, flying or the Chunnel. None of us have been held up at either end due to brexit and passport checks, however much you want us to in order to prove a point.
It’s not only at Dover that Brexit is causing delays – on my first trip to Europe since Covid (new Blue British passport in hand), on arrival non-EU nationals had to join a long queue rather than using the automated passport reading route. Plus each non-EU national given the third-degree by border staff, asking what the purpose of their visit was, how long, return flight arrangements, stamping their passport etc. The same thing happened on departure, with separate queues for EU and non-EU nationals.
All this was entirely predictable as a result of Brexit; the EU States have an obligation to ensure that no undesirables enter their territory – once an individual enters an EU country they effectively have access to all EU countries without further checks.
Perhaps for UK nationals, EU countries could have one queue for those who voted for Brexit and one for those who did not.
All this was entirely predictable as a result of Brexit; the EU States have an obligation to ensure that no undesirables enter their territory – once an individual enters an EU country they effectively have access to all EU countries without further checks.
Perhaps for UK nationals, EU countries could have one queue for those who voted for Brexit and one for those who did not.
Its the French striking in Calais.
https:/ /crisis 24.gard lerts/2 023/03/ france- activis ts-like ly-to-c ontinue -nation wide-pr otests- strikes -agains t-pensi on-refo rm-thro ugh-ear ly-apri l-updat e-12
https:/ / etimes. rticle/ france- strikes -air-tr affic-c ontrol- flight- cancell ations- april-c crl6h7b 6
Bad weather.
https:/ / nnexion france. com/art icle/Fr ench-ne ws/Fran ce-trav el-wrap -Ferrie s-cance lled-an d-new-P aris-NY C-fligh ts
\\Ferries disrupted as France blasted by storms
A number of ferry services have been affected by the bad weather sweeping over northern France today (March 31).//
P+O twitter.
https:/ /twitte Oferrie supdate /status /164174 8554422 145028? ref_src =twsrc% 5Etfw%7 Ctwcamp %5Etwee tembed% 7Ctwter m%5E164 1748554 4221450 28%7Ctw gr%5Eb8 874f166 17ff7b4 e7dfc40 d6f857a b36a0b0 533%7Ct wcon%5E s1_& ;ref_ur l=https %3A%2F% 2Fwww.c onnexio nfrance .com%2F article %2FFren ch-news %2FFran ce-trav el-wrap -Ferrie s-cance lled-an d-new-P aris-NY C-fligh ts
Bad weather.
\\Ferries disrupted as France blasted by storms
A number of ferry services have been affected by the bad weather sweeping over northern France today (March 31).//
P+O twitter.
Ryzen, yes, here's a report from April 3 2022
https:/ / /news/u k-engla nd-kent -609652 45
Who'd have thought lightning could strike twice?
Who'd have thought lightning could strike twice?
guess some people are not feeling the pinch with all the prices going up on everything, spend your coin in the uk instead, nothing in europe im remotely interested in, and that was before brexit, the portugese are nice welcoming people though, we still have the windsor treaty 700yrs old, poo poos the eu.