Well barry, I guess we've all been there, thinking something seems a good idea at the time. Churchill, and most others, wanted future conflict to be avoided, and that probably seemed a simple solution. The trouble with sime solutions is that they can hide a multitude of gotchas. He ignored the culture differences assuming they were close enough, failed to ensure the result was run by elected officials rather than an elite, then left it to the gullible nations while we stayed out. Until, of course, that idiot Heath took us in with no consultation with the citizens; thought democracy didn't matter, just the PM's dream did. Then, when the different question of whether, having gone in and dumped our former global trading nations, we should or should not make a U turn, he lied to the people by claiming it was a simple trading block when he knew full well about the loss of sovereignty as the corrupt organisation pushed for integration. Luckily we were able to exit the mess and repair the error (even if the post exit situation still needs major work). But way way way later than we should have, when all the above had become abundantly clear. Seemingly politicians were not interested in the good of the nation or the democratic overall opinion of it's people, almost as if they had other (self) interests somehow, but surely that can't be right. A plague on all their houses, as the saying goes.