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.It's That Man Again.

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gulliver1 | 11:50 Sat 13th May 2023 | News
39 Answers
Boris is living it up ,well away from Westminster,earning millions on the international speaking circuit and focusing on his forever growing family as he moved into his new £4m nine bedroom grade II-listed home with a moat in Oxfordshire. While the taxpaying suckers paid his £245.000 legal bill..... Now thats what I call a perfect (Con).


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hi Gully I better say hello as your thread average survival time is worse that a Tommie going over the top in the Great War
12:43 Sat 13th May 2023
His ego is bigger than your list of nonsense posts.
god you get far more than your fair share of abuse Gullz

as for nonsense posts - has retrocop read any of the usual suspects' ?
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Boris was spotted having a private talk with Liz Truss a few days ago, at a exclusive private members club in Mayfair. Is she next in line to move into his nine bedroom house ??? Or are they going to form a coalition Party and really bring on the downfall of Britain.
It wouldn't take much the way things are in the UK
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13,53 It could be called .
The LIZBO ..UK destruction party.
Is she next in line to move into his nine bedroom house ???

I hope he charges a market rent - which of course we would in all fairness pay thro parliamentary expenses

Phew the thought of a politician making a contribtion TO the country's treasury
perish the thought
"And yes I do think Gully has become Ocd about Boris, searching for every mention of him on a daily basis. It's very unhealthy."

exactly, a very sad person with no life, no friends and no perception of reality...i believe there is care and help available for people with this kind of mental affliction......cant even grasp how to post links....
13:49, lottie it's OLD not OCD!
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.......................Ode to Boris.......................
Never before in the field of British politics.
Has so much damage been caused to so many one man such a short time.
TTT tora I was expressing my own idea that he does have OCD to keep bringing up the same stuff over and over again. He's besotted with Boris. I don't think it's OLD. Unless of course he has got romantic feelings about Boris!
Lottie - as Gully would say, "Boris - buqqqer me."
Oh DTC you naughty boy. But LOL
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts ("obsessions") and/or behaviors ("compulsions") that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over."

thats him to a T...
or a TTT, baz, just to emphasise the point.

nice one !
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72% of Brits think Boris is dishonest.
Any abers know why this 72% should think like this
///72% of Brits think Boris is dishonest.
Any abers know why this 72% should think like this//

A very valid question. I don't know the answer .
Perhaps you could appraise me of the percentage of abers who have long since found you a pathetic tiresome bore.
OCD is not something to make light about
What about LED?
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So while the rest of the Country endures a cost of living crisis, struggling to pay their bills and worrying about the future .The man who caused all this misery will be enjoying life in his £4m Manor house.
What he won't be worrying about, is the ever rising Mortgage rates ,which he and Liz Truss sent skyrocketing ,when she crashed the economy.
Because he paid for his new Pad with Cash .
I've no idea what news story this relates to but as far as BJ goes, as long as he stays away from anything to do with running the country I wish him well.

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