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so it must be true
nobody ever having survived such an event to tell the tale.
so we dont know what they felt

erm - what is the sound of one hand clapping or of a tree falling with no one to hear it? ( Zen 'wisdom')

Because you can mock it up - in a lab and film it

as for temp rise on compression - that is Charles law innit
P/T = const, here 1/283 = 400/t - christ that is quite hot....
The compression from a bicycle pump is adiabatic by the way.

As for creaking as they DDDDIIIIIEEEEEEDDDD
so submarins creak before they implode?

Miners ( of which my father was one, Pretoria and POW camp ) said that they liked shoring up a mine with wood as it creaked before failure, where as the metal jaks just failed.

well this is answerbank boys and girls
PP; I've just finished re-reading The Road to Wigan Pier. He mentions the miners' preference for timber props, because they could hear when it was distressed.
My Dad said as much to me.
I went on a little submarine in Barbados once. Managed to get my Mum down there with me as well. Christ knows how as she hated the sea. I can't think of anything worse than immersing myself into the depths of the Atlantic.
//How do the smug experts know how "instantaneous" it was,...//

I'm certainly no expert and it's true that nobody has survived such an event to tell the tale. But all the theoretical modelling and what little evidence there is of events like this suggests that implosions at great depths are instantaneous. The slightest weakness in the structure of the vessel, it seems, results in catastrophic and instantaneous collapse. If I had to wager, I doubt there was much creaking and groaning before the implosion. Here's a couple of views from people who probably would be considered experts:

Expert Ofer Ketter said the implosion would occur within a millisecond, if not a nanosecond, if something breached the hull of the vessel to cause a loss in pressure.

“They never knew it happened,” he said of the five victims. “Which is actually very positive in this very negative situation.”

“It was instantaneous — before even their brain could even send a type of message to their body that they’re having pain,” Ketter, co-founder of a private submersible company called Sub-Merge, told The Post from Costa Rica.
237, you think that's deep? The Milwaukee Depth in the Puerto Rico Trench is more than twice the depth of the Titanic wreck. About 27,000ft or thereabouts.
NJ, indeed. I read at that depth the pressure would equate to 6,000 pounds per square inch.
LCG sorry, what's deep?
You referred to the depths of the Atlantic - I assumed you had in mind the depth that the Titan submersible descended to... approx 12,500ft ?
//237, you think that's deep? The Milwaukee Depth in the Puerto Rico Trench is more than twice the depth of the Titanic wreck. About 27,000ft or thereabouts.//

Then of course there's the mother of them all, the Mariana Trench:
27 000 ft - eek PP winces momentarily to hear of imperial units STILL used in Engineering
27 ' is 1 atm - column of water for a water barometer is 28' high
so that is 1000 atmospheres

whereas the Titanic is 400 atm innit?
Yes, they reckon you could upend Mount Everest and put it into the Mariana Trench and still have room left over. The Challenger Deep is the deepest spot. I doubt there's much life down there, apart from an obscure species or two.

21.48. ^Make no mistake. That’s deep!

As has been said, at that depth, the very slightest fracture in the vessel would result in instant implosion - and instant death.
whats the big deal about 5 people who died in a sub people with megamoney and absolutely nothing about the 5 hundred people mainly women and children who drowned in the med.Double standards because the peuple in the sub were WHITE.
MONEILL45, don't be ridiculous.
Who are the /// 5 hundred people mainly women and children who drowned in the med///
Are they the people who come here illegally?
//whats the big deal about 5 people who died in a sub people with megamoney and absolutely nothing about the 5 hundred people mainly women and children who drowned in the med.Double standards because the peuple in the sub were WHITE.//

The main reason for the disparity is that a vessel descending to a depth of 2.5 miles below the surface is more interesting that an overloaded fishing boat.

And er...two of the victims in the submarine were not white. They were of Pakistani origin.
Nj I was going to point that out to MONEILL45 if they had come back spouting more rubbish.
Presumed human remains have been found in the wreckage
His mother spoke on tv a few weeks ago. Her son was very happy and excited to go on the trip with his dad. I’d believe his mother rather than the ‘ aunt’ who misspoke not long after the accident .

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