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It is fairly easy to explain, and obvious, that at that depth the water pressure is immense and death would have been instant. The expedition in the unsafe submarine was naive but it was merciful that they did not suffer.
It so awesome to read what the AB experts have to say.

Thanks, I'm enlightened,,
am I right in thinking
someone has written " a dog is four legged animal"
and another written "really I never knew that" as if that were true
Must be a steamy day on AB - carry on campers!
MONEILL45, don't be ridiculous.

pt is being made on the media ( R4 of course). The 500 are brown and penniless and so it is implied as they are silent, are worth less than a handful of billionaires

and so there is a hierarchy of grief. There isnt, it is a social construct - The death of Queen Elizabeth is not more important than the death of one's own muvva.

others say the dead ar dead ( who said "let the dead bury the dead") whereas the titan COULD have been still whole and alive. I regard THAT as a social construct - people made it up to sell newspapers as news.

The beeb (R4) were sucked in, as people said they had to report 'news' ( they could be alive) whereas the real event was obvious ( they are in Davy Jones locker and as dead as can be).

The war in Ukraine suffers from similar defects
( I should say - the reporting of the war in Ukraine.....)

sozza a bit heady for AB at 0900
PP: "doesnt the CEO get a Darwin award ? " - that's a difficult one, bright enough to become a billionaire, dumb enough to kill himself like this! He's in a sort of genetic no mans land.
A rather pitiable little addition to this tragedy I read, was that the 19 year old, - who didn't actually want to go, but only did so for the sake of his father - was that he took with him in his pocket a Rubik's Cube in order to break the record for solving it at such a depth of the sea.
Very human & very sad!
er dont read it
if you find it a bit long.....
joke joke, suitable comment for the end

anyone remember Malcolm Muggeridge, thinker of the 60s?
He opined that Louis Washkansky heart transplant wd not be given the publicity if it had been a black fella.
General loud squawks of disbelief
BUT - no one I recollect countered with
If it HAD been a black fella, Barnaard would have been accused of experimentation on lab specimens
bright enough to become a billionaire,
you mean Trump ( er a billionaire) is bright - like you get in the society of intellect hoity-toitys, Mensa?
Khandro, his aunt said he didn't want to go - his mother said he was excited to go.
PP @ 8.51, Is that for me?
If so, I've no idea what you mean.
Barsel time moves on
the aunt and muvva have been giving discordant interviews

didnt at one point, the muvva say - dont listen to her, listen to me? - I put it down to grief
I never mentioned that.
//PP @ 8.51, Is that for me?
If so, I've no idea what you mean.//

I feel your pain Barsel. Most of us suffer that syndrome. :-)
PP read MONEILL45 post yesterday @ 22.08.
That's why I said //Don't be ridiculous.//
Lol Retro.
naomi //his aunt said he didn't want to go - his mother said he was excited to go.//
Don't you think he was more likely to say he was (quite rightly) a bit scared of the whole enterprise to his aunt, rather than to his mother?
Khandro, Being 'a bit scared' would be pretty normal. I'd say, but that doesn't equate to not wanting to go. I think his mother knows him best.
n. I think you are wrong there, he would think his mother would tell his father & wouldn't have wanted to see him disappointed for Father's Day.

I really warm to that young man, the only one who seemed to show sense & reason; such a tragedy.
Khandro, //he would think his mother would tell his father & wouldn't have wanted to see him disappointed for Father's Day. //

That's a product of your imagination.
Well, at least I've got some. :0)

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