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When I first read this I thought Ye Gods, surely not. Then I stopped to think about it and realised that this would have been how I would have reacted if this was happening in my children's schools, but that was 1984 - 1991, quite a long time ago. This is now 2023 and things will be very different now, so I will talk with one of my daughters about this as she is a...
22:53 Sun 23rd Jul 2023
Yes, I agree Bobbie.
It's sick!
Question Author
Ellipses go further back to to the top of page 1 where I said Christian should not have come into it
> Ellipses , I don’t care about the BBC or anyone else, I just want kids to be kids , to play outside, to have fun, not bleeding watching another kid ejaculating !

LOL, I thought you lived in Geordieland, not Tunbridge Wells. There is no video of boys ejaculating, as well you know ...
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Even in ‘ Geirdieland’ we want kids to be kids Ellipses

Now, at what age is the best time for children to get sex education - before, during or after their puberty?
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Not at 9 , I hope this helps?
I don't think 9 Yr olds should be getting sex education. The father's religious beliefs are irrelevant.
My sex education was wholly inadequate: handed a book rather sheepishly by my mum when I’d accidentally already learned the basics accidentally from a TV programme.
Secondary school was a joke: there was only a talking around the subject in biology class. “Compulsory” sex education (why do we have to call it that as if it’s like cross country running) should of course happen and why not at 9.
Of course the methods may be questionable but let’s not use that as an excuse not yo do it at all
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Maybe it’s an age thing ( mine) but I’d rather see a 9 yr old girl playing with her Barbie doll than being shown videos showing a boy ejaculating !
No one is saying we shouldn't do it at all Ich, unless I missed that. It's just at what age it becomes appropriate.

They hold off teaching algebra until secondary school on the grounds it's not relevant to people that age. Why not sex?
ich "......and why not at 9." - because it's too early to destroy their innocence because of some TROB doctrine. At that age kids should not be troubled with all the the minutia of adult relationships.
> showing a boy ejaculating

You did not see that.
9 seems young but my experience was that first year of secondary school was far too little too late. I'd already discovered more than they could or would tell. But the materials used these days are far different. She is shown a boy ejaculating whereas we only had vague diagrams of internal organs. One wonders how one agrees what should be involved and when. Maybe the meaning of life's, growth & learning had the right idea.
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Ellipses , you agree with it, I don’t !
how is their innocence “destroyed” by this?
one day they are in too minds about what flavour jelly they like the next they discover that the jaxy has potential other uses. Effing disgusting.
why is it disgusting?
Question Author
how is their innocence “destroyed” by this?//

How many 9 yr olds do you know that are much the wiser for seeing this?
20:58, If you have to ask that then you must be pretending to be thick or trolling.
That's no way to talk about teachers tora

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Why Can’t They Just Let Kids Be Kids ?

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