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When I first read this I thought Ye Gods, surely not. Then I stopped to think about it and realised that this would have been how I would have reacted if this was happening in my children's schools, but that was 1984 - 1991, quite a long time ago. This is now 2023 and things will be very different now, so I will talk with one of my daughters about this as she is a...
22:53 Sun 23rd Jul 2023
untitled: "yes but does the “anal sex” thing refer to nine year olds? because this other article says twelve" - oh well that's fine then! gawd how deluded are you?
untitled: "no i do not think the education system should be beholden to parents’ feelings or their religious neuroses… " - as several have said this is eff all to do with religion. I am an athiest and I think it's disgusting, perverted child abuse.
so are nine year olds being taught anal sex or not? because that’s what you got “disgusted” about and it would be a bit of a waste if that turned out not to be true
“ am an athiest and I think it's disgusting, perverted child abuse”

then i would suggest you might need to calm down?
ok untitled what's your view on roy's video at 21:45?
untitled: "so are nine year olds being taught anal sex or not? because that’s what you got “disgusted” about and it would be a bit of a waste if that turned out not to be true " - no kid should be taught about anal sex, I mentioned 9 because that is what we are talking initially 12 is no better.
have you actually read these lesson programs and can you point specifically to what you find objectionable? because it seems like you read the words “anal sex” in a newspaper and got into a tantrum without checking
untitled: "have you actually read these lesson programs and can you point specifically to what you find objectionable? " - I would have thought that even you could see that.
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Whoa, why has any thread to descend into this?
untitled is the one advocating this form of child abuse.
the thread is very high on emotion (e.g. the post above) and very low indeed on information bobbi… i
untitled, I know you are a contrarian by nature but do you really see nothing wrong with teaching this sort of stuff to 9 year old kids?
what sort of stuff? be specific
the things we have been talking about above anal sex, girls being shown erections, masturbation etc
My grandchildren, boy now 11 and girl now 15, both attend online school and at age 9 and 10 had PHSE lessons Personal, Social, Health and Economic education. I was able to hear these lessons. They were age appropriate about relationships and a good introduction to sexual health and hygiene. Frank class discussions, basic introduction to sexual relationships both straight and gay. No mention of transgender or identifying as anything other than male and female and no anal sex. The kids felt free to discuss anything with their mother and I. My grandson now has a best friend who identifies as "they" and understands that this is accepted by the boys parents but is not influenced by him. Sex education can be taught sensitively
My granddaughter would no appreciate being taught about anal sex and masturbation in a classroom but is aware of what both are. We have had frank discussions as a family about different sexuality and LGBTQ etc.
I recall as a young school boy seeing the perverted grin as the head master lent me over his desk, pulled my trousers and underpants down and gave me a good caning. His name was Ansel Savage I considered that teachers, then, were bloody perverts Savage by name ,savage by nature.. I am afraid my opinion has not changed in this day of certain teaching practise. I learned about the birds and bees in an entirely innocent way in books which I was encouraged to read and ask pertinent questions of matter which I did not understand. For the most part it described the reproductive system and how babies were produced. I do not believe that young girls and boys need to be demonstrated how they titillate themselves by teachers who really should be addressing and dealing with the 3 R's. Young students do not know to spell or count past their fingers and toes. Sex education. Yes but not in the unnecessary descriptions that can be learnt by their peers in later life such as masturbation and ejaculation. Sickly perverse and typical perversions that teachers enjoyed in my childhood days. Better concentrating on educational
pursuits that don't include demonstrating how to pleasure themselves
i cant see anywhere in the PHSE curiculum where children are taught how to masturbate though (and i have recently read thru the material provided by my daughter's primary school. They are also not shown erections (again, having spoken to my 11 yo about the classes she was having - she was taught that penises get hard when they are going to have sex but not shown pictures or videos of it)
i read the article and in it the letter received from the school doesn't say he is unable to take his daughter out of sex ed - in fact, it says he can! so quite why he's getting his knickers in a twist is beyond me.
When I first read this I thought Ye Gods, surely not.
Then I stopped to think about it and realised that this would have been how I would have reacted if this was happening in my children's schools, but that was 1984 - 1991, quite a long time ago.
This is now 2023 and things will be very different now, so I will talk with one of my daughters about this as she is a full-time teaching assistant and has a daughter who is 11 yrs old. I would like to find out what an 11yr old child knows these days. I remember when I was 11 and started my periods and didn't know what was happening as in 1957 my Mum and my teachers had never mentioned it.
Teaching will be very different now as like everything else, things do change over time.
Children these days have smartphones and can probably see all sorts of things on those.
No smartphones when I was at school and when my daughters were at school. No querying gender either like there is now. it's all completely different and so perhaps we have to move with the times.
Wise words Barsel.

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