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When I first read this I thought Ye Gods, surely not. Then I stopped to think about it and realised that this would have been how I would have reacted if this was happening in my children's schools, but that was 1984 - 1991, quite a long time ago. This is now 2023 and things will be very different now, so I will talk with one of my daughters about this as she is a...
22:53 Sun 23rd Jul 2023
Well I guess untitled is the master of defending the indefensible so we should not be surprised at 20:58/9
The tv programme i accidentally watched was as I recall intended for 8-9 year olds and that was 50 years ago so this is nothing new: it’s the “compulsory” and “details” aspects (the latter I sympathise with tho I haven’t actually seen it) which are spooking a lot of people.
We shouldn’t throw the sex education baby out with the the underage masturbation bath water.
There you go: a sentence I think I will never write again.
“ If you have to ask that then you must be pretending to be thick or trolling.”

may i kindly suggest that your personal feelings of disgust are not a very useful guide to whether or not something is a good idea or not
well if you don't find teaching 9 year old kids about anal sex as disgusting then I'm worried for you.
'Christian' is stressed because he's not a Muslim. It's that simple.
yes but the religious reference is a diversion. Any right thinking person would find the teaching of the compendium of sexual activities to 9 year old children disgusting.
Aye, but he is a Christian so it's part of the narrative.
I agree, it's sick and disgusting.

My son will be nine in three and a half years. I certain don't want him being taught about sodomy. That to me is tantamount to child abuse.
yes ladyCG, I have a 6 year old grandson and it just terrifies me what detritus the left wing mafia are poisoning their young minds with.
“ well if you don't find teaching 9 year old kids about anal sex as disgusting then I'm worried for you.”

just making sure… is it actually confirmed that this is what is happening? the article is a lot more focused on a video which apparently depicted a wet dream not anal sex
I shudder to think, TTT. My son's biggest concern today was Mickey Mouse. He came up to me in the kitchen and said, "Mummy, I want the mouse on in the sitting room."

I feel sick to my stomach at the thought of him learning such stuff in just 3 and a bit years' time. It robs them of their innocence.
forgive me if this is a bit blunt but why is your feeling sick about it in any way important?
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Actually , I’m quite shocked that some advocate this
untitled: "just making sure… is it actually confirmed that this is what is happening? "
the item in the link says:
"Secretive lesson plans showed schoolchildren are being taught about anal sex and orgasms before they have reached puberty.!"
I would probably be disgusted if I thought any if it was true, but as I don't, I'm not
Who is at the steering wheel of this madness?
21:43, so in lefty world the feelings of concerned parents is not important ? Gawd elp us, talk about the nasty left.
yes but does the “anal sex” thing refer to nine year olds? because this other article says twelve

i do not trust that the daily mail are characterising these lessons truthfully… nor to be honest do particularly trust this “father” who seems to think his child’s innocence is best protected by selling pictures of her to the papers
“concerned parents” lol

no i do not think the education system should be beholden to parents’ feelings or their religious neuroses… what children are taught in schools affects everyone not just their parents… if you want absolute control over something then get a pet

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