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gulliver1 | 10:51 Mon 04th Mar 2024 | News
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Labour says unemployed youngsters who can work will HAVE to work. as there will no more option of life on Benefits .I agree. They have had it too easy for the last fourteen years under the Tories....Bring it on..



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Why lumber the armed forces with them. Because they would knock them into shape in no time at all. Get the riff raff of the street and knock some sense into them before it gets even worse
18:41 Mon 04th Mar 2024

indeed tora i suspected you'd like that... and people say i am a communist lol. you may be interested to know of course that the ussr found out the hard way that simply forcing people to work is extremely ineffective

nobody works out of the goodness of their heart... if you seriously want more young people to work and work well then they must be given the same opportunities that some previous generations had: good quality education and work that pays. carrots work much better for this than sticks and history shows it. invest in providing those things and the productivity gains will be huge 

I think that was a running gag between the two main parties, Arrods.

11.08 They have no reason to work, really? The first and formost reason to work is so you are able to eat. When these stop at home layabouts learn that first lesson we may make progress into some form or another. But I will leave you with this thought... If I, and many others in this country who work, said I have no reason to carry on working because I am just feeding layabouts at home??

i am telling you why there are so many young people unemployed... you can either react with contempt or you can try to think about how the root cause of the problem can actually be solved. but i am correct. 

No you are not correct, because you can't expect 1 young person to work to feed not just their self but someone else who doesn't want to work. Many young people just need a kick up the backside.

kick away, it will do nothing and then we'll be back here again. carrots work better than sticks!

And they make better eating.

So in untitled land no one has to work unless they can get a job they like that pays enough for them to buy a house and raise a family. Otherwise they stay in free accomodation and get free money to churn out the next generation of work shy scum paid for by the rest of us! Right oh!

I've got news for you, all my first few jobs back in the sixties were pooly paid along with many others, but you gain work experience and work your way up the ladder bit by bit. That system as not changed and never will. 

except it has. i'm sorry to tell you this but the sixties was a very very long time ago. good luck "working your way up" in the modern day when every company expects you to have both a degree and job experience for an entry level position and unpaid or zero hours positions are extremely common...

you had hope for the future. you knew that you could work your way up... i am sorry to disturb your fantasy but the world isn't like that anymore

Sounds like an excellent idea from labour, I too will look forward to them implementing it.


Should never have changed the three tier system. Grammar ,Secondary Modern and Technical Colleges. 

I foresee a massive rise in teen pregnancies as was seen in the 70s and a lot of new claims for sick and disability benefits.

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ymb 12.26. Only one way to do that is Vote

nicebloke: "I've got news for you, all my first few jobs back in the sixties were pooly paid along with many others, but you gain work experience and work your way up the ladder bit by bit. That system as not changed and never will. " - bang on that's exactly what I did. From the age of 12 I had all these jobs:

Paper boy, butchers delivery boy, Chip shop server, Chinese takeaway general dogs body, Labourer, gardener, barman, double glazing fitter, fruit and veg stall in a market, butcher. Whilst at the same time getting a higher education with a view to getting into IT which I finally managed at the age of 21.

...and I come from a work shy council house scrounging family that barely did a days work in their lives. If I can do it anyone can. Untitled is just another lefty who thinks you can inspire work shy scum by giving them things. You can't

Personally I would like to see more encouragement on Apprenticeships, although as seen above the expectation these days seems to be start work and get it all rather than work up the ladder whilst learning.

Still I do think there are many that would take the opportunity and give themselves a good head start in life, we need to get away from that idiot Blairs idea of sending everyone to Uni.  Anyone with half a brain knows that was only done to fudge the youth uneployment figures.

I was unemployed for a year or more in the 60s - scraped along with casual work, helping out friends for a few quid in the pocket, waiting on in the local pub, never claimed dole.

Eventually got a low paid permanent job which I stuck at for 6 years before managing to start a proper career. 

I don't think there was much help in place then such as YTS etc. You had to help yourself.


gulliver: "ymb 12.26. Only one way to do that is Vote" - nothing will ever make me vote Labour, too many other problems but this policy is to be encouraged. My worry though is that they either quietly drop it after the election or they get stymied by the yuman rites BS etc.

@ 12.00 We are not talking top of the range jobs here, we are on about maybe unskilled workers who have spent months / years dossing on the sofa all day, every day.

There is a min wage now for unskilled work, the latter was not in place in the sixties you had to bargin your way into work, if you proved your worth you kept that job and maybe got extra money. If you proved to be pretty usless at that moment in time you were given a sweeping brush and shovel, take it or leave it, until you could find something you could do better, again, ( work experience in the big wide world) dossing at home makes you completely usless and unemployable.

I could go out this Monday week and I can asure you by Friday I would have found some sort of work. If I came across an employer who said we have x job but its very unskilled and we just can't pay min wage for it, I would sign a waver to get that job while looking for a betther one. Many youg people, not all by any means just can't even manage to get out of bed in the morning, especially if they know come the end of the month their bank account will be topped up by government.

"I could go out this Monday week and I can asure you by Friday I would have found some sort of work"

but you're not going to are you? so it's pointless to say so. 

i'm telling you that things have changed since the 60s. hard as i am sure it was it was easier then to get your start in life than it is now. the world is not the same place it was when you were young and the quicker you release that delusion the sooner you will actually understand the problem... at present you simply do not.

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