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Will You Join Me In Congratulation Diane Abbott On...

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sandyRoe | 19:28 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | News
34 Answers

...'Mother of the House '?

She's served her constituents well for many years and now will be able to act as a mother hen figure to all the new MPs who could profit from her wisdom and sage advice.





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^ on becoming mother...

wisdom? sage advice? you're having a Turkish!

Who's the father?

here's some of her greatest hits:



No. Can't stand the woman.

Maybe the only job she might be suitable for

I'm sure he is TTT.  


She was trembling when she was speaking today. I think she has an illness.

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Sir Edward Leigh, an unrepentant Thatcherite.

Politics certainly makes strange bedfellows.


Private Eye had it summed up - the upper right photo of their last cover:

She's neither use nor ornament.

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I know she's not popular here in AB but I shall be writing to  congratulating her on this unofficial accolade and thanking her for her years of parliamentary service.

Thanks for your answer, Sandy. I've never heard of him. Is he an older statesman now?

Well, her constituents surely appreciate her work as she's coming up on 40 years an MP. 

Just keep her away from the maths.

I must say that she was stunning when a young woman. Those glasses she now don't do anything for her. She needs a stylist.

Hopefully it will keep her occupied and out of trouble.

A staunch socialist who sent her own child to private school and has made a succession of truly embarrassing blunders. She is outshone by so many female MPs who are far better.

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