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R I P Ray Reardon

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Ken4155 | 13:53 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | News
14 Answers

Snooker legend Ray Reardon has died aged 91. Not the most exciting player to watch, but one of the very best, nonetheless.



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Excuse me Ken, Dracula does not die. I look forward to seeing his reincarnation.

It seems he took up golf when he retired from snooker; when asked which he preferred he replied that he'd never lost a ball playing snooker.

More like Steve Davis than White or Higgins, but a great player.


RIP Ray, one of the best snooker players of all time.  Always happy and often having a laugh with the audience.  Not like some of the miserable players these days who seem to take it too seriously and look like they are chewing a bee if they miss a shot.

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I do believe that's because of the prize money involved these days as opposed to when RR was winnig his titles. Money has a way of taking the fun out of sports.

There was a nice tribute from Jimmy White who said that Ray had been very kind to him when he was making his way as a young player. Nice touch from Jimmy. RIP Ray.

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I like this from fellow Welshman Mark Williams;

"Ray is one of the best sports-people ever from Wales and the best snooker player. He's one of the reasons why a lot of us started playing. He put snooker on the map alongside Alex Higgins, Jimmy White and Steve Davis.

Anyone playing now owes them a lot because they brought popularity to the game. He is a real inspiration."

Strangely it is the birthday of Rex Williams today and he is also 91, nine months younger than Ray.

Ha ken I laughed at"Money has a way of taking the fun out of sports." From you of all people 😂

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You do know i was talking from the point of view of how much sportsmen and women are paid and the monetary prizes on offer makimg many sports a business.  Having a small punt on many sports enhances the viewing of them. IMHO, of course😉

I didn't know he was that old. I was in a restaurant at the same time as him some years ago. Most people around him respected his privacy, but he happily chatted to the few who approached him. Very decent man. 

Rest easy, Ray.

His restaurant/pub is literally a 2 minute walk from where I live.


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