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How Is Starmer Doing So Far?

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Khandro | 08:25 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | News
15 Answers

..and for the future?

Dan gives opinion here;



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Too soon to be absolutely sure, but seemingly in the opposite direction to what he should be doing and concentrating on. As many suspected.

It's gonna be dire 5 years.

Sir Flip-flop still flip-flopping !

The same old story, tories waste billions undoing what labour did during their tenure, labour waste billions undoing tory . We don't stride forward as a nation, we amble from side to side getting nowhere. The only consistency is the billions that are lost through their combined inadequacy.

Good Morning,

I suspect that like the Tories before them, they will blame the opposition for the terrible state of the country for quite some time.

Our journalists need to shoulder some of the blame for not continually asking 'them' what they've achieved and what real plans are in place but not settling for vague promises of jam tomorrow.

Not enough pressure on politicians to actually perform for their money.


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Does anyone understand what Rachel Reeves is up to ?

As I understand it she wants to grab pension funds and 'invest' them.

Folks; the Barbarians are at the gates, and the lunatics are taking over the asylum.

"Folks; the Barbarians are at the gates, and the lunatics are taking over the asylum."

But the electorate craved "change" (or so we're told). Well now it's got it. Quite whether it will turn out to be the sort of change they craved remains to be seen. I suspect not.

But quite honestly there is not much in Mr Hannan's article that should come as a surprise. There also isn't much in it that changes what would have happened had the Tories been re-elected either because both of the main parties are peas from the same pod.

Is that the same Daniel Hannan who was a member of the European parliament for 21 years LOL 😂

The Telegraph, they'd be totally unbaised, then?

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Gromit //Is that the same Daniel Hannan who was a member of the European parliament for 21 years//

Yes, along with some other notable good politicians, like Farage and Widdecombe etc. 

He's now in The Lords and one of the best political journalists writing in Britain today.


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The Left will always shoot the messenger, & in this case his horse too.

Peas from the same pod don't really qualify as "change". But IMO while they are too similar they are worst in different areas.

I think this pod contains the mushy variety.

// It's gonna be dire 5 years. //

Never mind eh?. We've just had a dire 14, so you should be used to it by now.

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